As I mentioned in the OP, and I think it sums up the above nonsense nicely.....
Blockstream/Core supporters are spewing ::: FUD. Bitterness. Denial. Sabotage.
PS... looks like we're seeing a trend in the Poll. Option #4 seems to be rather popular
This poll is fully pro-secession. Just add what I suggested in my last post and this may a bit more representative of the reality. I don't call a democracy a country where you can only vote for several candidates that all come from the same party.
As opposed to Censoring anything you don't like? ooooo - feel the burn! Karma is a real bitch
Frankly, I don't understand anything about what you meant. Who's censuring here it is you, who don't offer a poll that reflects everyone's idea.
So I think the Poll is very reasonable as to how people think Blockstream/Core participants and supporters will be treated int he aftermath. I think it is an important question considering how contentious this subject is. You have to remember.... Blockstream/Core went against the overall Bitcoin Community, and has tried to kill bitcoin. They have endangered over a $Billion Dollars of investment monies, and threatened the Bitcoin Currency, of which many people depend upon for a livelihood.
Since the Bitcoin Classic Team has demonstrated a more reasonable, OPEN, Inclusive attitude since they have emerged, I thought this a good poll to get a foretaste of how this temporary split in the Bitcoin Community might actually end. Right now it sort of looks like everyone will simply have a bit of fun and jokes at the Blockstream/Core expense, and then move on and get back to business. Probably breathing a deep sigh of relief that all the divisive personalities would have been marginalized and caste aside - no longer a threat.
What you don't seem to understand is that miners are not the majority, far from this. I'd say that they're not even 25%. From what I know, Bitcoin Classic developers are from Bitcoin Core, so they're as "criminal" as the guys you're spitting on. I can assure you that not everyone will ideally agree on Bitcoin Classic.
And you know what.... I think Blockstream/Core supporters that have anything to do with Lightning etc should probably stop burning their bridges unless they want to see the Poll shift in favor of option #2.
Why is it clear that Bitcoin Classic will get its 75% ? Oh yes, I forgot : because it is supported by the biggest companies ! By doing this we come back to the roots of the fiat money ! I'm open for discussion, so try to convince me about Bitcoin Classic's coolness. Why is it so good ?