There's also a forum policy against trolling. This is necessary to keep the forum usable.
I find it interesting that the goal post keeps on moving every time you respond.
11 days ago, you stated that you don't believe sales of hacked accounts are immoral, but you'd let the community decide the matter.
4 days ago, results of the community poll, 9-3 majority, 75% against sales of hacked accounts. (your response, not good enough)
Today, results of the community poll, 36-8 majority, 81.8% against sales of hacked accounts (your response, not good enough, you reiterate your personal opinion and kick the bucket along hoping people will get tired of pressing the issue.)
Did you ever intend to let the community decide on this matter?
If so what is the threshold that must be reached for you to change forum policy and not allow sales of hacked/compromised accounts or unauthorized transfers of credentials?
Trading hacked account info is not illegal as far as I know, though IANAL. If it is illegal, explain why. Illegal trades are not allowed.
So now it's no longer a community decision, but we have to cite existing case law on hacked/compromised credentials? When I come back with case law in one jurisdiction are you going to hide behind a new excuse because a seller lives in a country which may not have laws or existing case precedent on this topic?
This seems more likely to be illegal. If it's not illegal, it's a similar issue to the current one and I would be inclined to allow it.
You are openly advocating sales of hacked/compromised credentials for all online/offline accounts then. Credit card numbers and CCV numbers are plain text. Access credentials are no different than login credentials used to verify authenticity of an account holder with the organization or piece of technology that generated those credentials for authorized users.
The doors on are now wide open for all sorts of disreputable sellers.
Do you have hacked credentials for...
- Fortune 500 firms? The victims probably never notice. It's not like they'll be missing them.
- Ebay, Amazon, Newegg accounts? Sure why not. Victims can probably get their accounts back without too much hassle.
- 401K or stock market accounts? There is no violence or deception involved. We allow freedom of speech here.
- Government agencies or defense contractors? Selling information can never be wrong.