
Topic: [POLL] The Official Dirty Turds Poll - Which DT needs flushing first ??????????? - page 18. (Read 5262 times)

Activity: 2674
Merit: 3000
I'm no longer DT, thus remove me from this list and cry somewhere else about your pathetic life kiddo. Kiss
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
Reserved for more Dirty Turds.
Activity: 252
Merit: 56
Local rules - this is a discussion regarding the observable instances of DT members engaging in clearly negative and untrustworthy behaviors only. Those on default trust DT1 DT2 DT3 may be discussed and nobody else.

** it is possible there is some incorrect information here, however NOTHING we have seen leads us to believe it is incorrect currently. We will amend this post if it comes to light any parts of it are incorrect.

So our DT has been taken over by a bunch of people that are OBSERVABLY DIRTY.  These people have been allowed to game the merit system,  rewarding each other for their low functioning spew and now due to a genius level design they are AUTOMATICALLY "trust worthy" ??

Oh really? so although Theymos seems to only just be waking up to the FACT that many of these scum bags on DT will do or say ANYTHING to ensure they remain in DT and merit cycling circles here. He seems not to have noticed they leverage these positions to ENSURE they grasp hold of the highest paying and most lucrative sig spots via their PALS who (also DT and merit cyclers).

If this was not enough...  the clues are

1. They mostly all cycle merit to each other
2. They mostly  all vote to include each other on DT (via their foolishly given right to be the ones to decide on WHOM is eligible for DT)
3. They mostly all seem to be creaming off the best paying (in btc) sig spots via their pals who are campaign managers.
4. The central cluster of Dirty Turds also seem to exclude the same people from dt.
5. They will use the "TRUST" system to punish whistle blowing of their prior observable wrong doing.

If you happen to be dumb enough NOT to clearly see how this operates then try reading over this thread a few times until it penetrates your skull.

It is clear the entire systems of control reward and encourage gaming of these broken systems and that they are WIDE open to gaming and manipulation.

If that was NOT ENOUGH let us examine some OBSERVABLE INSTANCES  of their prior wrong doing that is UNDENIABLE.

THIS LIST WILL BE UPDATED AS WE HAVE THE TIME AND INCLINATION. Feel free to add your own RELEVANT and ON TOPIC information regarding the observable prior behaviors of DT members that demonstrate they are clearly not suitable for a position of trust.

Without further ado - The DIRTY TURDS or as we know them DT members.

Investigate these for yourselves to confirm, they are fully verifiable - unless they have done a nutildah and gone and edited their post histories trying to mislead people about their past wrong doings.


This person is clearly a low functioning imbecile. We have previously challenged it to present it best original thought inspiring posts for analysis (since his account was showered in merits to boost it from hero to legendary. He could not provide ANYTHING of real value or merit. He claims he is given merit because people find his swearing and sexual deviant ramblings are entertaining. So he has zero value with regard reaching the optimal solution or opinion. He simply does not have the capacity to add any kind of value to this board.

He is also implicated in some VERY dirty and dangerous behaviors here.

His known PALS both owlcatz and lauda are both implicated in the same extortion attempt.

Seems Tman also is not above a bit of scamming directly when it suits him (we quote OG below who discovered this)

"TMAN used minerjones to anonymously auction a KIALARA and then attempted to manipulate the auction by stating, "wow this has to be a record low for a sub #100 serial. if I didn't have so many I would be snapping this up"

Admission it was his auction:
"Dude I haven't crossed paths with OG in over 6 months, it wasn't until he derailed my auction hosted by MJ that this kicked off." "

Tman has also admitted in black and white that he used the trust system to punish those that present observable instances (facts) of wrong doing by his friend Lauda.

You can not red trust for fact based posts.

Can, have and will.

if you don't like it I suggest you petition all other DT-1 members to exclude me or if they feel that my tagging of you is not needed or accurate they will reach out to me like adults and have actual fluid conversations

so - Like it or fuck off back to your hole.

xxxx laters sexy pants

Tman blackmailing people buying some debt for 1 satoshi then trying to use threats to get the person to pay him magnitudes more under threat

Tmans shit posting, low level swearing and sexual deviance

This DIRTY TURD is currently a merit source and DT.  Time to flush that filthy piece of shit.


This idiot has gone as far as to define himself EVIL and willing to knowingly facilitate scams for a price.

In 2014 he was running around this board screaming for people to have negative trust for selling accounts here. He claimed they were EVIL and knowingly facilitating scamming.

In 2016 he decided to turn EVIL and knowingly facilitate scamming himself for the small price of 0.3BTC which was the price he offered his account for sale for.

Later (like many months later) SOMEONE announced from the nutildah account it was no longer for sale.

So he is either

1. EVIL and willing to facilitate scamming


2. A liar who now claims he never sold the account and is the original nutildah.

He has also abused the trust system to try to discredit people that have whistle blown on his prior actions.  Now he starts some "official trolling poll" it looks like quite a few persons on that poll are certainly NOT trolls and their posts and central points have never been refuted successfully. It looks like another attempt to TRY to discredit whistle blowers and silence those who mention these DIRTY TURDS prior observable wrong doing.

TO DATE NO DT HAS GIVEN HIM RED TRUST ALTHOUGH MANY LOVE TO SLAP RED ON OTHER ACCOUNT SELLERS/BUYERS. Those that certainly do not knowingly wish to facilitate scamming or want to turn evil. His pal lauda said there is nothing that can be said that would cause him to red trust nutildah. Sounds like some serious double standards don't ya think???

Lauda or LaudaM

Well, where does one start with this filth bag. Scammer, liar, trust abuser, implicated in extortion schemes and shady looking escrow deals.

If a persons should even present observable instances of his wrong doing he plastered their accounts with red trust, that was doubled up on by TMAN, Owlcatz and Yogg the fool.

Here read Lauda the (prior) MOD, DT, - one of the most widely trusted members here (by other scumbag DT members)  These corrupt bunch of shit stains would not even remove him from DT after seeing this evidence many times.  Even at the request of Theymos they would not remove this filthy piece of scamming dirt. Finally he was removed from DT1 by theymos manually. NOT for all this prior observable scamming and dangerous actions but it seems because he was still determined to use the trust system to silence any critic of his.  For some reason his OBVIOUS prior abuse still remains as a mark other members accounts WHY??

Enjoy Lauda's CV for a trust position. We quote our own prior investigative work and that of others investigative work below.

1.  lauda, owlcatz , tman - extortion attempt which many senior members believe WAS a real attempt to extort another member

a/ what flag is suitable for a directly effected member
b/ what flag is suitable for a concerned member that was not directly effected?

2. laudas et als shady looking escrow dealings concerning 3000BTC

a/ what flag is suitable for a directly effected member
b/ what flag is suitable for a concerned member that was not directly effected?

3. laudas PROVEN lie for financial gain (SCAMMING) that he was on the launch of xcoin/dark and there was NO Instamine whilst holding bags of it.

a/ what flag is suitable for a directly effected member?
b/ what flag is suitable for a concerned member that was not directly effected?

If you say you would encourage others to read though his post history you got a scam tag which his friends Tman, Yogg and owlcatz then doubled down on when you started to point out that people should be made aware of their trust abuse. SCUM BAGS that are still on DT Huh

This Dirty Turd has been semi- flushed but there are serious stain marks left in the bowl.  


Undeniable scammer supporter. Claims the observable instances in the intial post are NOT grounds for red trust and are not scamming. Claims that Tmans auction scamming deliberate deception for financial gain and trying to punish and shut down other members giving fair appraisal of the item is not scamming or financially high risk behavior. He claims that is behavior that is fully acceptable from a DEFAULT TRUST member here. He is also on default trust due to the mutual back scratching support from other undeniable scammers aside from tman.

He claims that deceiving people deliberately for financial gain is not scamming it is  "ONLY MAKING COMMENTS"  which anyone is allowed to do he says, so presumably if you only lie or scam using words here you can adopt the "ONLY MAKING COMMENTS" defense and you will be okay. Well if you are DT friend of xtraelv that is. If you are not he will red trust you for " not answering questions" about "possible" scamming.

Also started some very worrying under age sex references several times that he seemed to keep going on about even though there was no reason for him to suddenly bring that up (except in his over fucked up mind)  Go read his excuses and bullshit to excuse UNDENIABLE SCAMMING.

This post is our summary of his moronic slobbering and scammer defending.  But if you want his actual imbecilic words track back a few pages from this post..

SCAMMING FOR MONEY using only words is " ONLY MAKING COMMENTS". anyone is free to make comments xtraelv says.

If you are not DT members I am not sure the " ONLY MAKING COMMENTS" defense will work for you.  I mean don't try making comparisons with xtraelv, he claims having independently verifiable undeniable observable instances of his friends undeniable the same as him accusing you with no evidence of stealing a giraffe and killing it. A person devoid of all logic and reason. Highly financially dangerous, perhaps so more than the scammer tman who does not will not even deny it was scamming. His crazy excuses are hilarious go view the xtra elv policeman sketch and compare them to his excuses on the prior pages. That is NOT us just messing with him. Look at his excuses.


This idiot uses the trust system to punish a person for requesting he presents some form of evidence before repeating an accusation against one of the most trusted members of this board. YES gives red trust because you will not allow him to sully your thread with ANOTHER repetition of a prior accusation (that is there 2x already) without presenting evidence. A fucking nut case.

Also thinks it is fine to dox a forum treasurer placing both them and the boards funds in danger.

Supporter (by inclusions) of MANY other observably untrustworthy scum bags on this board.

Another scared little bitch who is intimidated by lauda and his gang - this clearly demonstrates the systems of control are broken and that he is weasel and pussy. Read his quotes in the post below.

Not the very most stinky of the DIRTY TURDS here but still one that needs to be flushed.


This person is possibly an Alt of lauda or Tman or Owlcatz. A total abuser of his trust position. This dumb untrustworthy piece of shit believes that if someone ADMITS to giving you red trust for posting facts about observable prior wrong doing (OF HIS FRIENDS OR ALTS) then if you say if you don't remove the TRUST ABUSE (given for whistle blowing) you will be making sure everyone knows about what happens... Then YOGG will say that is reason to back up his PALS trust abuse and add more red trust.

Yogg of bitcoin talk is untrustworthy I would advise against using any services provided by user yogg of bitcointalk as we view him as highly untrustworthy and keeps company and supports those that are OBSERVABLE scammers and liars.

We would say you can consider yogg of bitcointalk a proxy or alt of lauda or tman.


Another dirty scumbag with a fine pedigree of supporting scammers trust abuse and many other fine examples of UNTRUSTWORTHY behaviors.

Investigate him for yourselves. Start here and also take note of the initial post in that thread.

Supporting Lauda and Tman regularly and the supporting of the doxing of our forum treasurer is really an indication of the sort of dirty turd we are dealing with here.

LFC_Bitcoin (Lauda's Felching Clown)

This is a spineless, weak and pathetic individual that was CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED to be a BITCH of lauda's gang.

He will even turn against his "supposed" friends out of fear for losing favor with his masters on this board.

Lauda's Feltching Clown -

Read above thread.

Can be considered a proxy or alt of lauda in our opinion. His posts before 2017 are thousands of 1 liner speculation crap. Low value bitch and slime ball.  Not to mention a trust abusing piece of dirt.

The Pharmacist AKA Huge Black Woman.

The smarmacist, a sneaky snake tongued fool. Lecturing others on financially motivated shit posting and "trolling". Then what do we find out about this weasel?

He has been sneakily using a sock puppet account to racist troll spam ANOTHER sig for extra btc dust. This other puppet racist sig spamming troll account is HugeBlackWoman

Only others are trolls and financially motivated shit posters.

The funny thing is he got busted whilst trying to move from one sig to a higher paying one. Sneaky devious and double standards shit poster.  Ask him to present his best thought inspiring posts and he can NOT. He is not capable of producing posts with original value. When asked what his best achievements on this board were in all the years he has been here he said that is was....GETTING ON TO A HIGHLY PAID SIG CAMPAIGN.

Has until recently been a HUGE supporter of the proven liar and scammer lauda, including him on DT, and many other dirt bags like Tman ect.  A truly corrupt and disgusting little gimp.  He said once he did not know if lauda scammed people or not with the escrow but he would SUPPORT HIM ANYWAY regardless. Apparently out of loyalty. Sounds like just the person you want on DT.

Calls out observable instances of truth as TROLLING to try to discredit whistle blowing.

Not the worst of the worst, but people like this sneaky double standards little shit entrench the REAL bad guys into positions of power. Should be removed from DT and merit source at a minimum. Take his sig away and watch that account never post again. His ONLY redeeming quality seems there is a limit to the depth he will plant his tongue in laudas ring piece. He flat out refused to exclude bill gator so we can perhaps leave him his sig for now the broke down bum and hope he improves his behavior. Perhaps hope for this scum bag in the future but we don't see any market improvement regarding branding observable instances of truth as TROLLING. Idiot.

Suchmoon aka suchmoron.  Not bad BBW open to offers if wins. Face ntb I guess and we have a hot air balloon crashed in a field near our place to cover the rest. Get your votes in now. If you're a breast man then change your votes to suchmounds now you will NOT be disappointed. This information is based upon a possible photo of suchmoon that someone shared with us. If it turns out to be a big guy with lots of back hair then that's life on bitcointalk - got to get bones interested as well.

Seems to be a front man for the gang of liars and scammers and other untrustworthy scum bags.  No observable financially motivated wrong doing and does not spam a sig NOW A CHIPMIXER SIG SPAMMER LIKE MANY OF THE OTHER DIRTY TURDS HERE. That is where the good news ends with this fat slob. She includes many of the MOST untrustworthy shits on this board on to DT. She is possibly an alt of lauda. We say this on the basis that she was always found kissing Theymos ass hole UNTIL Theymos must have been fed a RED PILL and suddenly realized that EVERYTHING we had been saying about Lauda using the trust system to punish whistle blowers and just generally using it for his own purposes was TRUE. Theymos even then decides to be nice to lauda and not just announce lauda is blacklisted for being a scumbag and trust abuser. Rather theymos asks over 100 other members to simply exclude Lauda from DT. I mean considering Lauda is a proven scammer and implicated in ALL manner of other untrustworthy actions seems quite fucking reasonable. Suchmoon then stabs theymos in the back trying to spin that THEYMOS is now being sneaky and devious and that is NOT APPROPRIATE to request a proven liar, scammer and trust abuser implicated in many other financially motivated wrong doings is removed from a position of TRUST LOL

Yeah because to be sneaky you would send it to 100 of laudas known pals and that is so unreasonable. So suddenly suchmoon trys to spin this kind act into a negative sneaky and heavy handed action??? why react like that after kissing theymos ass forever?  seems like there is some VERY CLOSE connection between the lauda account and the suchmoon account.

Also gross double standards from this slob. Has given red trust to people for supporting or advertising for "possible scams" then decides to include on DT a proven liar and scammer also implicated in MANY other financially motivated wrong doings.

She also tried to claim bill gator was UNTRUSTWORTHY for presenting a PM from Lauda's Feltching Clown because she claims these are PRIVATE messages and can not be presented in public. Then it was found SHE HERSELF had posted in public other members private messages to her.

Suchmoon spent weeks pretending to believe merit is a valid and reliable metric that is not subjective manipulated junk that is gamed and dangerous ( so her and her pals can continue gaming it to control rank and trust score of other members). Then she debunked her entire argument by saying that "good poster" and " bad poster" are MEANINGLESS terms without strict definition and criteria to measure them against. LOL suchmoron.

Tries to get people banned straight after they dare to disagree with her or the gang (she supports) agenda here. Her suspected sock puppet is ScumBuster. Uses the gamed metric of deleted posts and some weak sauce copy and paste crap to target specific individuals. Sneaky and devious.

Certainly not DT material nor merit source. Perhaps not a scammer but certainly a supporter and protector of known scammers and liars and still a Dirty Turd that needs flushing. Only worth engaging with if you like to have some banter with a BBW.


Implicated in the same extortion attempt with her dirty turd pals Lauda and Tman. Also seems to run to double down on the trust abuse that her pals lauda and tman leave to try to cover their skid marks on this board. They think by slapping red trust on your account that it stops people believing in the independently verifiable instances of their prior wrong doing.

Also includes the same bunch of lying and scamming dirt bags she apparently tries to extort with and trust abuse with.

Not really worth any further mention. Pretty much just another proxy of lauda and tman.

Agent foxpoop aka foxpup. - the merit fountain that new stops giving to his fellow merit cycling dirty turd pals, often for total shit posts. If you try to scrutinize his statements/opinions (which he voices as if they are valid rebuttals) he will simply say opinions don't need to be based upon reasoning. So presumably anything he says must be discounted until you validate it for yourself. Like his opinion of the other dirty turds being trustworthy perhaps lol.. I mean of course you want to make some a merit source and give them a TON of merits to hand out based on his " opinions" on the value of their post. You can see where that may be a problem haha. I mean if you can not then just take a look at some of his merit allocations. I mean if you are ever found giving Tman a merit then this really should be instance blacklisting and investigation into possible sexual deviance haha

nullius aka nerdius or noobius

The waffling nerd speak twat is a lauda scammer support. This account bounced back after 1 year slobbering around in mommy's basement to launch a TRUST ABUSE on poor old CH for..... yep apparently because cryptohunter said, that although peasant plagiarists should be banned it is in bad taste to ridicule their stories of hungry families and lives of abject poverty. NERDIUS says that "suggesting" that people should not ridicule them is UNTRUSTWORTHY and certainly reason to fear trading with CH. NERDIUS says that even though he was starving and poor once, he feels no empathy (actually he has previously made a lengthy boring and pathetic post where he states he does not have empathy and empathy is something to distance yourself from of course backed up by another sociopath (lauda).  These couple of filthy dumb cunt peasants say other peasants deserve no empathy now that they have succeeded in assuring themselves regular food from scamming or supporting scammers it seems. He seems to often boast he was one of the most merited and even had merits from gmax. WHO GIVES A FUCK. This nerd is a low functioning twerp who has sat there memorizing other peoples hard work and polishing his English. However you can NOT polish a turd. He seems to be trying to emulate the posting style of anonymint (but failing miserably) also anonymint would not be easy to crush in debate like nerdius.

Keep an eye on this dirty lauda assfeltcher. Looks like another sociopath that will hang with the worst scammers asslicking them in public whilst seeking spurious grounds to trust abuse honest members who speak up against his scamming pals.

Other turds that need flushing that are not even worthy of making the poll.

Adolphinwolf  - this dumb piece of shit thinks you can give people a scam tag for self moderating their own thread and deleting garbage with no supporting evidence. Also supports scammers and liars. Trust abuser and general scum bag.

Direwolf ( or something like that, we can't even be bothered to remember his username it's such a low functioning burger flipping dreg) claims that observable truths (facts) like the pharmacist also being HugeBlackWoman are actually the OPPOSITE of facts. Trying to discredit the truth is UNTRUSTWORTHY. Supports scammers being on DT also.

SaltySpitoon - seems to think he can change his definition of "words" to their opposite to protect a proven scammer like lauda. We mean change the definition within just one thread to one that suits him better when the rest of his argument was debunked.

Not sure if he is untrustworthy or was just exposed to some lemon extract that day.

1miau - Liar, trust abuser and general imbecile. Seems to lack comprehension of the English language also. Supporter of other untrustworthy scum bags. Flush this turd asap.

Bitmover - trust abuser and general idiot. Thinks he can use your account as an example of one that requires further punishment and then when you stand up for yourself he says it is unfair to make a sensible and credible defense and call him out for being thick as shit.  Thinks you can have a scam tag for this?? fucking bozo... ah that reminds us.

Moronbozo - known to his pals as marlboroza or some stupid name. Trust abusing scum bag and supporter of scammers and liars like lauda. Tried to give a true legend a scam tag by tricking him with "scare quotes" mixed in with other REAL quotes of what the true legend had  said previously. Makes up strange accusations like you are a spammer of....... WORDS. Yep no more spamming words. Dumb fool that needs to be flushed with the other turds stinking up the board. More weird and annoying than anything else. He seems incapable of making a clear point. Well tbh there is not much it seems capable of except being a general fool and entertainment.

Lafu - dumb ass shit poster who is also a trust abuser. Supporter of liars and scammers on DT. Also associated with an exchange that looks to have pulled a huge exit scam. Beware of this snake.

o_e_l_e_o - some low functioning fool and ass licker. Not really worthy of even a mention but still a dirty turd supporter.

mosprognoz - or some shit name is a scammer supporter and moronic troll, that claims presenting observable instances of financially motivated wrong doing my DT members = mental illness and trolling. Clearly a supporter of LAUDA if not lauda himself. Showing a nice willingness to work and profit WITH scams he has defined as scams himself previously. That thread was archived once he started to BLACKMAIL and extort eddie and even turned nasty on poor old chunky trunks suchmoon, trying to claim she is perhaps guilty of scamming people (this is largely believed to be untrue to be fair to her or at least unproven). These types are only nice whilst you let them scam or work with scams for their own profit.

Erratic judgement ? Could you please quote some of them and prove that they are Erratic ?

Bankera is a scam:

I can't do anything else. All what I could I have done. Now there are undeniable facts that bankera is a scam supported by bunch of paid shills and spammers. Remember my word. After one year the situation will be even worse.  I am out of here. Enjoy talking to yourselves and riding a dead horse.

But maybe they could make you some money if they could run your "friend's" ICO?

Is it possible to run a ICO via bankera exchange ? My friend is planing one, and searching for an exchange for doing ECO (Exchange Coin Offering.) That can be very profitable for all of us. Whom shell I contact to get an answer for that ? Thanks in advance.

And a scam again, I guess they didn't take your "very profitable for all of us" offer?

It is a well masked PONZI scheme.

Hilarious and co/ Hilarious etc

This mod is CORRUPT and bias. He supports KNOWN and PROVEN scammers on to DT1. He deletes on topic relevant posts of those that go against the group of dirty turds. He refuses to delete a low value garbled insult like this

Here she goes again, who put a dollar in the cunt?

He posts off topic irrelevant crap in the " funny threads section"  and when you voice an objection or post your own on topic reply he just moderates your post away.
Starts crying if you suggest sigs should be removed ( He spams 2 sigs)
Says your posts are rubbish then when challenged to present the rubbish posts he refuses and says I can believe they are rubbish if I want.
Scum bag

Flying Hellfish

Another dumb ass in a mod position. How can someone as thick as shit like this be allowed to be so obviously bias and be permitted to stay in a mod position??.
Should be flushed with his turd idols like tman and lauda (same fortunejack sig spammer) possible alt of tman, lauda, all those fortunejack spammers sound VERY similar at times. Beware and keep an eye on him.

These lower level micro turds need to be kept well away from positions of trust.


All backed with observable instances of clear wrong doing get ready to vote for the stinkiest DIRTY TURD on this board.

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