Not all of you, but some, like you, judge the code before reading it. there is no backdoor - it's open source, just read it. if you find any backdoor, please, post it here so we can all know
Besides, if you actually take time to read and compare the code you will see some differences:
256-bit integers instead of 128-bit used, so the interval search range is 254 bits
Some endomorphism properties are used (like comparing only the y coordinate values)
Major code clean-ups and removed redundant code from the loops in some important functions like SolveKeyCPU.
So yes, you either judge too fast or simply an idiot.
So, in other words, you confirm as taking at least me as an idiot. Good job on that.
Do you think I will afford losing a few hours of my life to actually do diffs on "your" code against JLP base code? Without even having some common GIT ref commit? It's 99.99% the same code, same structure, same files, same strategies,
same pitfalls. Aesthetic code style updates and cleanup / dead code removal are still the same freaking code in the end, what are you doing, a compiler's job? And to make the claim that you are dishonest only takes 10 seconds of my life, to reach a definitive conclusion.
Copy pasting a project, removing all references to the original author, and not even bothering to give credit, is called plagiarism.
You're like the kid from the school that has their homework done by others, changes a few words, and tries to claim it as his own work. Teachers are not stupid, you know?
Endomorphism does not work for low bit-ranges, it only works if you solve a bit range of 254 bits or higher. So that is useless to implement if solving for private keys below 254 bits.
You want to present original work? How about this: actually understand the problem, and start from a scratch blank folder. You will always reach to something different than what you've copy pasted, updated here and there, and claimed as original.
So what exactly is your intent?