Yes, you are correct, it was meant to expand the search range, like you said, be able to solve 160.
However, I am pretty sure it had bugs or speed was lost. I'm not sure it he has tinkered with it any more since his original post.
Check out Etar's kangaroo version; it is same as JLPs (but trailing DPs; zeros at the end) but can solve up to 192 bit range.
Hi WanderingPhilospher, thanks for the quick answer
Actually the 256 version is not working, i cloned the code from the Repo and build it with CUDA 12.3 & sm_86 and tested it with the same example from JeanLucPons
This one
The original JeanLucPons Kangaroo took 1:30 to find both minute while this 256 version didn't find anything even after 20 min ... therefore i think its not helpful.
Regarding the Etar's kangaroo .. you mean this one ?
I wonder why there is no source code
what do you mean with this "trailing DPs; zeros at the end" can you explain more please