
Topic: [PRE-ANN] Flux - Move Forward - Move Fast | SHA-3 | New Diff Algo - page 4. (Read 29363 times)

full member
Activity: 135
Merit: 100
what is gonna be? when is lunch?
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
big shitcoin

Yes, a large turd of a launch indeed.

I guess their own 'unique' difficulty retargeting didn't work at all.  Grin
What? We haven't even launched yet.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
big shitcoin

Yes, a large turd of a launch indeed.

I guess their own 'unique' difficulty retargeting didn't work at all.  Grin
Activity: 119
Merit: 10
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
and  failed launch?
full member
Activity: 187
Merit: 100
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Unfortunately, we as a team have become completely unprepared for the upcoming launch (While we can get flux out the door, we are not rushing the flux launch and want everything to go smoothly). One of our members had a computer failure and we're working on fixing some code regarding FAV. Because of all this we are unable to launch at the scheduled time.

Check back for updates.

We'll come up with a amended launch date as soon as we feel ready. Sorry for the lack of time.
Not big deal Smiley

Thanks for letting us know

come on ,dev ,....

we just wait and be patient// Roll Eyes
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
Looks interesting, i just wait date of launch.
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Dev should consider adding another ingredient to original keccek.Because asic or fpga for sha-3 is out.
An example:
full member
Activity: 132
Merit: 100
Unfortunately, we as a team have become completely unprepared for the upcoming launch (While we can get flux out the door, we are not rushing the flux launch and want everything to go smoothly). One of our members had a computer failure and we're working on fixing some code regarding FAV. Because of all this we are unable to launch at the scheduled time.

Check back for updates.

We'll come up with a amended launch date as soon as we feel ready. Sorry for the lack of time.

Can you confirm it will definitely not be today?
Yes. In no way will the launch happen in the next 24 hours.
Thank you very much for informing us!
Cya at launch
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Unfortunately, we as a team have become completely unprepared for the upcoming launch (While we can get flux out the door, we are not rushing the flux launch and want everything to go smoothly). One of our members had a computer failure and we're working on fixing some code regarding FAV. Because of all this we are unable to launch at the scheduled time.

Check back for updates.

We'll come up with a amended launch date as soon as we feel ready. Sorry for the lack of time.
Not big deal Smiley

Thanks for letting us know
full member
Activity: 175
Merit: 100
this is a really nice coin and i will definitely mine it!
and i really like it that you told us early enough that the launch will be tomorrow. thanks for the update.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
Unfortunately, we as a team have become completely unprepared for the upcoming launch (While we can get flux out the door, we are not rushing the flux launch and want everything to go smoothly). One of our members had a computer failure and we're working on fixing some code regarding FAV. Because of all this we are unable to launch at the scheduled time.

Check back for updates.

We'll come up with a amended launch date as soon as we feel ready. Sorry for the lack of time.

Can you confirm it will definitely not be today?
Yes. In no way will the launch happen in the next 24 hours.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Unfortunately, we as a team have become completely unprepared for the upcoming launch (While we can get flux out the door, we are not rushing the flux launch and want everything to go smoothly). One of our members had a computer failure and we're working on fixing some code regarding FAV. Because of all this we are unable to launch at the scheduled time.

Check back for updates.

We'll come up with a amended launch date as soon as we feel ready. Sorry for the lack of time.

Can you confirm it will definitely not be today?
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
Unfortunately, we as a team have become completely unprepared for the upcoming launch (While we can get flux out the door, we are not rushing the flux launch and want everything to go smoothly). One of our members had a computer failure and we're working on fixing some code regarding FAV. Because of all this we are unable to launch at the scheduled time.

Check back for updates.

We'll come up with a amended launch date as soon as we feel ready. Sorry for the lack of time.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
Ready for registrations now FluxCoin Pool

Register now, if you haven't already done so, and prepare your workers be ready for launch!

Stratum connection example:
stratum+tcp:// -u MinepitUsername.anything -p anything

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  • Unique, custom interface and back-end infrastructure
  • Super fast compile times - we aim to be one of the first pools running at every launch

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