However, suddenly they are going to win the title, in a week they just simply beat Luton, how? They got a tie against Liverpool not long ago, they failed to win that, and then they got a tie against Arsenal too, failed to win that too, all very recently, but beat Luton and became leader, how? Simply because Liverpool and Arsenal managed to lose to teams that are far below their level and now they are chasing City.
It's not just about beating Luton, but look at the results and/or great efforts made by Manchester City throughout this season. So, if for example Manchester City does not get good results throughout this season, then even if Manchester City beats Luton, because they have been bad throughout the season, then Manchester City will still fail. So, of course you can't just come to a conclusion about beating Luton and then Manchester City being at the top of the table, that's ridiculous.
Because after all, Manchester City has had a big effort so far this season even though previously Manchester City was behind by Liverpool and Arsenal, but Manchester City still had a big effort even though Manchester City played without Bruyne before. So, because of the good efforts that Manchester City has continued to make throughout this season, in the end Manchester City managed to return to the top of the standings, and this is not just about beating Luton. LOL