I don't know about others but the 2020/2021 season league winners is wrapped, I always felt that Liverpool would retain their championship, but after losing to Burnley And Brighton, and now Manchester city I think its a wrap, and Manchester city will win the league, and with there outstanding match and still topping the league every other team has nothing on them.
Its a mystery no more! All Manchester city wanted was a way to the top and once they attained that, on like other clubs, they were determined to stay top as it should be and now, they've managed to erase the competition by beating Liverpool mercilessly today by Liverpool 1-4 Manchester city mean while, gaining more points on the league. No questions this is the city dream and no one can contest now.
Damn Alison made another mistake the second time around and it was another goal for Manchester City. This is the worst goalkeeper I have seen he had to shoot straight instead of pass to the risky defender.
Its not the keeper that is bad, it always seems so when they are playing a good team. Manchester city is good and from the way they view Liverpool, not winning today's game would be Liverpool living i there shadow with a mindset of one day, they would take the league. So, this is a kill ambition kind of strategy for Manchester city.