How long have you been apart of PD community: I've joined shortly after MICRO was, when we were both newbies. I had the account "candystripes" on PD2, which I made after a couple earlier ones. I think around mid-March was when I first played on Primedice. I've been active almost everyday since for at least 30 minutes, missing a maximum of 20 days since then.
Your chat message count: Right now I have around 4500 chat messages. Even when I'm not betting, I'll just hang out on the chat and faucet a little bit.
What you have to offer: I'm always online. Not 24/7, but I'd say at least 7 hours a day. Weekends I'm online the full day from morning until night. I'm easy to deal with and can do the job right! I have tons of experience with the chat. I'd estimate from all the time I have spent around PD2, I think I have had around 30,000 chat messages at least on Primedice 2, for the 6 months I have been there. Along side the whole moderation section, I am always available for free graphics, whenever you need me! I've been fooling around making things with Photoshop CS6 alot the past year and I'd be willing to throw in my skills free of charge.
**Note**: Candy is known as the local chat troll of Primedice. I don't get on the chat purely to troll other users, but rather when I see a good opportunity, I would take it. I've been muted a ton of times for little jokes here and there, but I can promise you one thing. If I can get the position, I will no longer be in "Candy the troll" mode, but I will be in "Candy the mod" mode from now on. My behaviour will consist of nothing besides mature, friendly, and serious attitude. This I can assure you.
candy should be mod i think, he is always online as he says. he has good english and is a cool guy.
idk about what u think but labkitty is like, eh with his english and everything. candy is a smart guy even if he trolls and he can do alot for pd, i like when he is on. just my 2 cents.
Like I said no matter if Barak Obama nominates him he is not getting mod
Just because I've made some bad choices being a little troll on the chat all for jokes, asking for 100 satoshi loans and all of that, that's only because I chose to. Setting an example for others isn't a very challenging job, is it? If I do get job, I'll just have to find some other site to troll.