Hi, my account is Trekk.
I was playing in primedice for months and i won like 0.1 BTC from faucet and too much fun... so i decided desposit 8.5 BTC to get more lvl and faucet and of corse, try to win... i lose all but i get a GOOD faucet.
A week ago i don't know why my BTC WAGERED was restarted, and i do nothing because my english is not good and anyone was avaliable to help me and traslate my words.
Today i use google traductor to comunicate with PD support for this problem and these were his answers:
"Chat messages no longer count towards faucet. The faucet is free coin that we offer users and can change at any time."
So... i say, i have -8.1 BTC profit, and 0.054 BTC waraged... that is imposible
After send my email, i checked my account again and MAGIC my BTC waraged is 0.000000 and lvl 0 again, can't use chat when i really need some help.
Finally the last replay was:
"Your account was botting the faucet along with other accounts."
I know nothing about that, i just play and claim faucet every 3 minutes and if i get 0.001 or more just withdraw and start again... so, be carefull, if you claim faucet a lot, you will marked as a BOT and they will restart your stats and steal your money and time invested.
PD: Sorry for my bad english, a friend did his best to translate this.
Here's the address you were cashing out to:
https://blockchain.info/address/1KcWYJ24WGq4n3UTjZTX8UHpGFktBCamyaThis address was used by over 40 Primedice accounts to cash out to 24/7. You were abusing the faucet and ruining it for all the people who do it legitimately. If it wasn't for people like you the faucet would be up to 5x higher.
Not to mention the amount of claims you made per day would reflect you have slept for a little over 24 minutes in the last 2 weeks. Nice.