For people that asked about bots: Yesterday I used a bot for several hours using a variant of the martingale system (bet on >66.67 with payout 2.97 to prevent betting much on long losing streaks) and I went up from my free 0.0001 to around 0.0012. The site owner didn't tell me to stop so I guess it's not forbidden.
Okay. Nice, but I still want some real permission.
Also, I would like them to make the website a
little lot faster. I think they should implement JSONp response everywhere, including BTC Address login thingy.
Well, waiting for Stunna to answer.
As for botting, we're more than happy to have people bot. It's just if you do so with free accounts, please respect our 30 accounts per day max. I understand it's fairly easy to get around this, however your honoring of this would be much appreciated. The free-rolls weren't intended for this purpose.
Also we are fully aware and working on the speed issue and are working towards achieving a permanent fix!
Its been nearly 3 days, and i still got this error whenever i try to register using a newly created please
yessss i can do VPN..but i dont want to disturb my mining procedure lol
You're not the only person with this problem. This will be sorted as swiftly as possible. I'll let you know when this has been addressed.