5 days left:
Roller Coaster Challenge!
Ends: 16/04/18 @ Midday (12pm) GMT
Let's see who needs a bit of adrenaline rush! Try to make a winning streak of 5 bets with roll numbers changing successively higher - lower - higher - lower - higher (or vice versa: lower - higher - lower - higher - lower). You can choose the payout. An example of a valid entry would be: 77.77 - 44.55 - 83.21- 67.03 - 93.48. Everyone who achieves this will receive a prize. The prize pool will be decided based on the number of entries.
Requirement:Make a winning 5-bets streak
Roll numbers should successively change in higher-lower pattern described above
Minimum bet amount is 100 satoshis
Seed cannot be changed during giveaway if you wish to enter so we can check if bets were successively
Minimum bet is 100 satoshi
1 valid entry per person
Bets must have been made after the commencement of this promotion
10+ forum post count
If we suspect you are abusing the giveaway you will not be credited
Prize Pool(s)Minimum prize pool: 0.01 BTC
If over 20 participants: 0.03 BTC
If over 30 participants: 0.05 BTC
If over 40 participants: 0.08 BTC
How to Enterhttps://forum.primedice.com/topic/31427-🏆-008-btc-roller-coaster-challenge/