hey, i want just to say that with this post im not saying that primedice is cheating or anything but i think i have a problem and i need explanation that i dont have for more than 24h...
the problem is that yesterday morning i was doing martingal evrything was perfect i was at 0.12499 btc and in a bet i discover that i have 0 in my balance... so it must be my fault i betted max and i lost (im sure im not).. no problem lets say i betted max and i lost everything now i must verify the bet i did were i lost, but i find nothing no trace of a bet with the amount of 0.12499 btc in my bets history in the device i was using but with more verification i found the bet in the high rollers the bet id was 7,203,210,741 like you can see i lost that bet at 7:50am and the nonce was 881
http://prntscr.com/8wq10o but there is no trace o such bet in my bets i returned to verify the last bet i have done and it was a bet of 1766 satoshi i lost done at 7:44am,
nonce 809
http://prnt.sc/8wplzihttp://prnt.sc/8wq4y7what i m saying here that i was rolling between 7:44am and 7:50am and there are bets i cant find in the history of my bets, there are 72 bets that i cant find until today... many will say that someone who has access to my accont has done all this (im sure not) but still why i cant find the bet i have made between 7:40 and 7:50 because i msure 10000% i was rolling...
i really trust primedice, and this post is not to say that primedice is cheating... but i think it was a bug or something like that... the support guy was really helpful but i need a real explanation of what really happened in this case... finally i would say that all what i say here is the truth and ready to answer to any question also doing conference and let you access my devices with teamviewer or joinme at any moment if necessary.
P.S: sorry for my poor english
I explained it to you couple of times.
Bets history is stored locally on your device/browser.
If somebody got access to your account and makes some bets you wont see them in my bets history.
Primedice cant make bet for you. There has never been such a bug and it cant happen. Especially not to set max bet and then make that bet.
You need to change your password and preferably set 2fA to make your account secure.
Also check your PC for malware and try to recall if you used any third party bots for primedice or visited any links primedice related.