How much of the 15 billion coins are unsold? So community knows the number of the 25% going to devs pockets.
As the coin price was changing, and it was in USD, only the Devs could tell the exact amount.
However we can make some estimates. According to my calculations, the possible absolute maximum of sold coins could be 3-5 millions (70.5 BTC * $1000 / $0.02). More realistic estimation is 2-3 million coins, but you will see that doesnt matter, lets take the absolute maximum for sake of simplicity.
So the sold coins are 5,000,000, and unsold ones - around 14,995,000,000
25% of 14,995,000,000 is 3,748,750,000.
And now the result:
all ICO participants have less than 5M coins altogether, dev has 3748M at his sole disposal (NOT protected by escrows!).Now folks, do a small excercise - compare 5 millions to 3.75 billions!!! I am afraid there wont be enough buy orders even at 1 satoshi level to accomodate this
epic dump