you had legit questions bro but now your just trolling.
plus you are wrong in market cap, it is based on amount in circulation.
Why do you consider questions about basic informations as trolling?
The value of a project is about the total supply. If 99.9% are in the hands of the team it just means, that this Coin is a 99.9%-premine-project.
Or what will happen with the Coins that are not in circulation? How will they be distributed?
And again: That you don't seem to have those questions but consider me as a troll - that is interesting.
the problem is that those questions have already been answered dude you keep asking the same stuff
Aha! The OP says he can't disclosure some informations because of "interest of conflict" and you say now my questions have already been answered? Then it shouldn't be a problem to show me where, right? And since you consider me as a troll - the question "why?" is also not answered yet.
See, I've read all posts of the OP. And most of the time in this whole thread it's about bounties. Nearly nothing is to find about very basic informations.
Please show me the info how they plan to distribute the Coins that will not be sold in the ICO. I know that the plan is to hold them in cold-storage - but even if one would trust them (and again: that means this is a 99.9%-premine-project) there is still the question HOW to distribute them.
You say the info was given - please show me where.
And you can't talk the fact away that the value of the total supply at an average ICO-price would be about $450,000,000!
With other words: If they plan to distribute the premine and let's say they would act very carefully - it would still mean, that the market-price can't possibly rise until the market would value this project at hundreds of millions of dollar.
Again: Why don't you have those questions? Are you connected to the team?
You just repeated again. I told u market cap is based on coins in circulation.
And bro, they are not going to be held in cold storage, they will be in escrow.\ OP
i do agree with you that they sould be more clear on how they will distribute coins. because the apps will bring people from outside into crypto but other that there is no real plan other than whta the blog post said.
and i do hope that is cleared before actual launch. but since i did invest i go off what te escrow said.
Man, escrow can be anything. The real question is how the supply will be distributed. And again: What you tell people here about the market-cap is totally misleading!
1. They create a total supply of 15bn Coins!
2. They sell whatever is possible in an ICO at a price that the total would be about $450 m - that is telling about the price!
3. Of course, only a fraction of those Coins will be sold out
4. The Rest, and that will be >99% --> in cold-escrow-storage
Who will be escrow btw?
5. Nobody knows how they plan to distribute, but it's clear: They want to sell the rest! Whatever rules there might be pointed out to get it - I don't know!
6. Nobody knows the inflation-rate right now! That's another fun-fact!
Are these basic-economic-facts so hard to understand?
For me it's very hard to understand why you have so much trust if you don't know more than me and if you don't know them. And if you are honest about "no connections" - that means nothing more than that you defend something plus trying to give me a troll-branding while you know nothing about this! Of course that's possible. It's maybe even usual for guys without any experience in Crypto.
no your wrong on that bro, TOTAL SUPPLY and AVAILABLE SUPPLY are different.. i can point you to some coins that are this way
what do you mean that escrow can be anything?
i see your point on certain questions but some of them have been answered.
as i invested of course it raises more questions for the dev to answer.
no word on unsold coin escrow yet. if they dont have one funds shouldnt be released to them
Total and available supply - difference: Because it's that way on Coinmarketcap or why?
Is it really that hard to understand that it doesn't matter? Let me explain why, because you really seem to be new to Crypto:
The team sells amount x of Coins now (most likely not even close to 1%). Let's call that available supply. That is the amount that will be on the market right after the ICO! I think we agree here.
But: They've sold this amount x at a price that the total amount values at about $450,000,000
That means nothing else than Debt on a future price (only if this project should turn out as very successful) on the back of those who invest now. Because they already pay the price as if this would have such a value!
Totally centralized:
They hold these 99.9% premine - in escrow. What I mean with "can be anything" is: There are no rules, no informations how and how much Coins they get and when --> to sell it. And I'm not aware that there are informations who will hold those coins.
So, let's say they give themselve rules when they get more of the premine - that will reach the market. And it will happen additionally to the inflation because of the PoS-System - while nobody knows the inflation-rate, right?
Let's think about the premine - doesn't it need a lot of trust that it won't be staked?
You know what would be possible with an amount that is > 50% in a PoS-System, right?
With 99.9% this project is no Cryptocurrency! It's a totally centralized central-bank-premine-whatever-thing at a ridiculous high price.
Every aspect needs trust while all given informations, and especially those informations that are not given show:
There is zero reason to trust the guys behind this in any way. Nothing shows honesty. Nothing shows abilities.