It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Average Average
Period Covered Per Adjustment
From To Adjust Length
--------- --------- ------- ----------
14-Mar-13 13-Mar-14 23.92% 11.38 days
29-Jun-13 29-Jun-14 23.45% 11.41 days
24-Aug-13 31-Aug-14 21.12% 11.63 days
Average Average
Period Covered Per Adjustment
From To Adjust Length
--------- --------- ------- ----------
14-Mar-13 13-Mar-14 23.92% 11.38 days
29-Jun-13 29-Jun-14 23.45% 11.41 days
24-Aug-13 31-Aug-14 21.12% 11.63 days
Average Average
Period Covered Per Adjustment
From To Adjust Length
--------- --------- ------- ----------
14-Mar-13 13-Mar-14 23.92% 11.38 days
29-Jun-13 29-Jun-14 23.45% 11.41 days
24-Aug-13 31-Aug-14 21.12% 11.63 days
Hash Rate Power Energy Cost Cost
Date Difficulty TH/s MW MWh $/Period $/BTC
--------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ---------- -------------- ----------
11-Sep-14 33,220,936,877 237,808 238 66,349 $6,634,853 $131.64
23-Sep-14 40,236,446,759 288,028 288 80,360 $8,035,984 $159.44
04-Oct-14 48,733,473,526 348,853 349 97,330 $9,733,002 $193.12
16-Oct-14 59,024,880,009 422,523 423 117,884 $11,788,392 $233.90
28-Oct-14 71,489,598,585 511,750 512 142,778 $14,277,833 $283.29
08-Nov-14 86,586,583,575 619,820 620 172,930 $17,292,988 $343.11
20-Nov-14 104,871,710,060 750,712 751 209,449 $20,944,876 $415.57
02-Dec-14 127,018,241,359 909,246 909 253,680 $25,367,960 $503.33
13-Dec-14 153,841,618,762 1,101,258 1,101 307,251 $30,725,098 $609.62
25-Dec-14 186,329,486,300 1,333,819 1,334 372,135 $37,213,544 $738.36
05-Jan-15 225,678,056,071 1,615,491 1,615 450,722 $45,072,202 $894.29
17-Jan-15 273,336,153,086 1,956,646 1,957 545,904 $54,590,430 $1,083.14
29-Jan-15 331,058,561,407 2,369,846 2,370 661,187 $66,118,694 $1,311.88
09-Feb-15 400,970,635,767 2,870,303 2,870 800,815 $80,081,465 $1,588.92
21-Feb-15 485,646,557,708 3,476,447 3,476 969,929 $96,992,858 $1,924.46
05-Mar-15 588,204,117,648 4,210,593 4,211 1,174,756 $117,475,554 $2,330.86
16-Mar-15 712,419,512,763 5,099,775 5,100 1,422,837 $142,283,732 $2,823.09
28-Mar-15 862,866,387,600 6,176,732 6,177 1,723,308 $172,330,835 $3,419.26
08-Apr-15 1,045,084,236,901 7,481,119 7,481 2,087,232 $208,723,207 $4,141.33
20-Apr-15 1,265,782,371,309 9,060,961 9,061 2,528,008 $252,800,823 $5,015.89
02-May-15 1,533,086,956,002 10,974,431 10,974 3,061,866 $306,186,635 $6,075.13
13-May-15 1,856,840,218,301 13,291,983 13,292 3,708,463 $370,846,321 $7,358.06
25-May-15 2,248,962,841,151 16,098,949 16,099 4,491,607 $449,160,670 $8,911.92
06-Jun-15 2,723,892,885,897 19,498,682 19,499 5,440,132 $544,013,236 $10,793.91
17-Jun-15 3,299,117,405,623 23,616,363 23,616 6,588,965 $658,896,517 $13,073.34
29-Jun-15 3,995,816,323,188 28,603,604 28,604 7,980,405 $798,040,547 $15,834.14
10-Jul-15 4,839,642,281,734 34,644,038 34,644 9,665,686 $966,568,646 $19,177.95
22-Jul-15 5,861,665,181,962 41,960,074 41,960 11,706,861 $1,170,686,065 $23,227.90
03-Aug-15 7,099,516,184,307 50,821,092 50,821 14,179,085 $1,417,908,463 $28,133.10
14-Aug-15 8,598,773,298,472 61,553,356 61,553 17,173,386 $1,717,338,634 $34,074.18
26-Aug-15 10,414,639,578,109 74,552,032 74,552 20,800,017 $2,080,001,680 $41,269.87
07-Sep-15 12,613,975,712,232 90,295,733 90,296 25,192,510 $2,519,250,952 $49,985.14
GH/s per Diff 0.007158388055
Blocks/Period 2016
BTC/Period 50400
Watts per GH/s 1 (assumed constant for the next year - it may go down)
USD/kWh $0.10
Hash Rate Power Energy Cost Cost
Date Difficulty Delta Days GH/s kW kWh $/Period $/BTC
--------- -------------- ------ ---- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------
24-Aug-13 65,750,060 470,664 471
04-Sep-13 86,933,018 32.22% 11 622,300 622 164,287 $16,429 $0.33
14-Sep-13 112,628,549 29.56% 10 806,239 806 193,497 $19,350 $0.38
25-Sep-13 148,819,200 32.13% 11 1,065,306 1,065 281,241 $28,124 $0.56
06-Oct-13 189,281,249 27.19% 11 1,354,949 1,355 357,706 $35,771 $0.71
16-Oct-13 267,731,249 41.45% 10 1,916,524 1,917 459,966 $45,997 $0.91
26-Oct-13 390,928,788 46.02% 10 2,798,420 2,798 671,621 $67,162 $1.33
05-Nov-13 510,929,738 30.70% 10 3,657,433 3,657 877,784 $87,778 $1.74
17-Nov-13 609,482,680 19.29% 12 4,362,914 4,363 1,256,519 $125,652 $2.49
29-Nov-13 707,408,283 16.07% 12 5,063,903 5,064 1,458,404 $145,840 $2.89
10-Dec-13 908,350,862 28.41% 11 6,502,328 6,502 1,716,615 $171,661 $3.41
21-Dec-13 1,180,923,195 30.01% 11 8,453,506 8,454 2,231,726 $223,173 $4.43
02-Jan-14 1,418,481,395 20.12% 12 10,154,040 10,154 2,924,364 $292,436 $5.80
13-Jan-14 1,789,546,951 26.16% 11 12,810,272 12,810 3,381,912 $338,191 $6.71
24-Jan-14 2,193,847,870 22.59% 11 15,704,414 15,704 4,145,965 $414,597 $8.23
05-Feb-14 2,621,404,453 19.49% 12 18,765,030 18,765 5,404,329 $540,433 $10.72
17-Feb-14 3,129,573,175 19.39% 12 22,402,699 22,403 6,451,977 $645,198 $12.80
28-Feb-14 3,815,723,799 21.92% 11 27,314,432 27,314 7,211,010 $721,101 $14.31
13-Mar-14 4,250,217,920 11.39% 13 30,424,709 30,425 9,492,509 $949,251 $18.83
24-Mar-14 5,006,860,589 17.80% 11 35,841,051 35,841 9,462,037 $946,204 $18.77
05-Apr-14 6,119,726,089 22.23% 12 43,807,374 43,807 12,616,524 $1,261,652 $25.03
17-Apr-14 6,978,842,650 14.04% 12 49,957,264 49,957 14,387,692 $1,438,769 $28.55
29-Apr-14 8,000,872,136 14.64% 12 57,273,348 57,273 16,494,724 $1,649,472 $32.73
12-May-14 8,853,416,309 10.66% 13 63,376,190 63,376 19,773,371 $1,977,337 $39.23
24-May-14 10,455,720,138 18.10% 12 74,846,102 74,846 21,555,677 $2,155,568 $42.77
05-Jun-14 11,756,551,917 12.44% 12 84,157,961 84,158 24,237,493 $2,423,749 $48.09
18-Jun-14 13,462,580,115 14.51% 13 96,370,373 96,370 30,067,556 $3,006,756 $59.66
29-Jun-14 16,818,461,371 24.93% 11 120,393,073 120,393 31,783,771 $3,178,377 $63.06
12-Jul-14 17,336,316,979 3.08% 13 124,100,084 124,100 38,719,226 $3,871,923 $76.82
25-Jul-14 18,736,441,558 8.08% 13 134,122,719 134,123 41,846,288 $4,184,629 $83.03
08-Aug-14 19,729,645,941 5.30% 14 141,232,462 141,232 47,454,107 $4,745,411 $94.15
19-Aug-14 23,844,670,039 20.86% 11 170,689,401 170,689 45,062,002 $4,506,200 $89.41
31-Aug-14 27,428,630,902 15.03% 12 196,344,784 196,345 56,547,298 $5,654,730 $112.20