yobit is a shitty exchange with some of the dumbest traders on the planet. no one from respectable countries would ever send money to these shady chinese exchanges. bittrex is #2 exchange after poloniex for alts that is trustworthy, that's where real "investors" or bagholders - however you might want to call it - reside, with many coins on bittrex goign into top 10-20 like steem, waves, strat before polo even is aware they exist. yobit is only good for useless coin no one wants to hold like trump or putin, and people there are trading vidz like one of those. this is why so many degenerates talking about price are in this thread unlike most good coin threads - they have zero understanding of polite behavior and wouldn't know good tech if they were given it personally by elon musk. this coin is above the level of yobit lowlifes, they simply lack the capacity to process information like real people on real exchanges.
I personally am only on yobit to get VIDZ. The environment at yobit is the worst. A million sleazy people yelling shit coin names in the troll box all trying to con one another. That is why I would prefer bittrex as well. A few other traders I know stay away from yobit period, regardless what isn't is offering. Maybe we should do a vote in the slack Chan? Seems like a fair idea.
Realistically it is up to DEV. If he wants it to happen he can talk to bittrex. If he wants our opinion we can vote. I agree bittrex is not "the hot spot" it once was. Once bigger coins made there way to Polo the volume there dried up pretty quick.
I don't see any downside to bittrex when compared to yobir