I am getting an error "[2011-07-10 18:00:35.988488] mysql sharelog failed at execute".
Any suggestions?
Here's what my table looks like:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `btcserver`.`shares`;
CREATE TABLE `btcserver`.`shares` (
`id` bigint(30) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`time` int(255) NOT NULL,
`rem_host` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
`our_result` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL,
`upstream_result` enum('Y','N') DEFAULT NULL,
`reason` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`solution` varchar(257) NOT NULL,
Post your json file(with out RPC credientials or MYSQL username or password) sounds like an easy fix.
# network ports
"listen" : [
# binary protocol (default), port 8342
{ "port" : 8342 },
# HTTP JSON-RPC protocol, port 8341
{ "port" : 8341, "protocol" : "http-json" },
# HTTP JSON-RPC protocol, port 8344,
#proxy is most likely your external ip address if your running a public p...
# requests to us | "proxy" should be set to your ip address that people w...
{ "port" : 8344, "protocol" : "http-json", "proxy" : "192.168.XXX.XXX" },
# binary protocol, localhost-only port 8338
# host is most likely your localhost address
{ "host" : "", "port" : 8338, "protocol" : "binary" }
# database settings
"database" : {
"engine" : "mysql",
"host" : "192.168.XXX.XXX",
"port" : 3306,
#database name
"name" : "XXX",
#database username
"username" : "XXX",
#database password
"password" : "XXX",
#enable sharelog | to insert share data or sometimes known as "work"
"sharelog" : true,
"stmt.pwdb" : "SELECT password FROM pool_worker WHERE username = ?",
"stmt.sharelog" : "INSERT INTO shares (rem_host, username, our_result, upstream_result, reason, solution) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
#uncoment this when you want to use memcached (Recommended for servers over...
# cache settings
#"memcached" : {
# "servers" : [
# "servers" : [
# { "host" : "", "port" : 11211 }
# ]
"pid" : "/tmp/pushpoold.pid",
# overrides local hostname detection
"forcehost" : "localhost.localdomain",
"log.requests" : "/tmp/request.log",
"log.shares" : "/tmp/shares.log",
# the server assumes longpolling (w/ SIGUSR1 called for each blk)
"longpoll.disable" : false,
# length of time to cache username/password credentials, in seconds
"auth.cred_cache.expire" : 75,
# RPC settings
#Bitcoind Protocal settings
#Host were bitcoind can be found on the network
"rpc.url" : "",
#Username & password to connect to bitcoind
"rpc.user" : "XXX",
"rpc.pass" : "XXX",
# rewrite returned 'target' to difficulty-1?
"rpc.target.rewrite" : true