For how long have you been running the pool? I supposse that your client is full synchronized so the problem is not that its still downloading the data hehe (happened to me )
Btw in bitcoind the option for the pid file is -pid as well in pushpool, you sure you have the right option?
Well fixed the .pid file... still no shares in table shares in mysql database.
Problem is Pushpool is not generating shares... but only... how to fix :@
whats the uptime of the pool? I mean, how long have pushpool being running? it could take some time to get a share (like in p2pool) and probably as right now you are doing the same as solo mining could be that the hash rate is not enough and your are getting a long poll before actually sending any share
Im currently testing with 4000 KH/Sec... no a single share given for 30 min.
Im running pushpool myself right now checking the sql logs and also dont see any shares on my minner but quite some long polls (running bitcoind), I would recommend to let it run for 24h or more, if you are not in a hurry of course, to see if it shows something, crypto coins are not usually something you can test in a few hours while solo hehe