I think the same. The risk when trading is high, there aren't strategies working 100% there. You can "read" the graphics, try to find a sequence to create your rule, but who knows if what you predicted will really happen?
What traders say is that on long run their strategies always work, not always, but on the majority times it works, same thing that sport's gamblers say. In my opinion trade and sports gambling have something in common, and I don't think it's possible to live only with this income. Maybe you can try, but I'm sure it will be a life without stability.
The more active you trade the more commissions traders get, and the more tax you'll have to pay to the government. So the natural thing is to encourage small investors to trade trade trade. The stockmarket has been able to give a 8% annual return over a decade, if you don't keep trading in and out, at least 8% is guaranteed.