Itu software forum baru belum selesai" juga padahal udah bertahun" digarap setahu ane.
Iya, padahal dana forum untuk kembali ke forum itu sendiri sangat besar berkisar 1226 BTC [1] atau Hampir lebih dari 1,3 triliun rupiah. Entah mengapa untuk membuat software forum dimana banyak sekali orang-orang ahli untuk gabung di pengembangan di githubnya tersebut agak mandek, apa karena memang banyak
pull request yang tidak di-accepted atau karena hal lain seperti sulitnya migrasi semua campaign ke software forum yang agak njelimet.
Forum funds[/url
Ya, saldo yang dimiliki forum Bitcointalk terbilang cukup besar dan kalaupun untuk menuntaskan pengimplementasian software forum yang baru, saya kira tidak akan sampai menghabiskan semua dana tersebut.
I have pledged to invest all after-expenses BTC-denominated forum profit back into the forum or the community. Due to BTC price increases, forum profitability, and conservative spending, there is a substantial reserve of forum-earmarked funds, currently about 1226 BTC. The cold-storage addresses are bc1qj33689f6edzjst72w6nzs02qd0w68spw49qgcv and bc1q9md45gnwykdkf2r79fdzxyrs96rwejq5nkpca6, though due to accruals the actual amount of forum-earmarked funds might be somewhat higher or lower than the amount in these addresses.
Note that the balance of the forum's old donation address is not meaningful, and cannot be added to the above figures. Also, the old multisig arrangement which was previously detailed in this post is no longer in place.
Per 21 Mei 2023
bc1qj33689f6edzjst72w6nzs02qd0w68spw49qgcv: 750.01022712 BTC
bc1q9md45gnwykdkf2r79fdzxyrs96rwejq5nkpca6: 476.00157918 BTC
Total jumlahnya: 1226.0118063 BTC
Secara substansial sebenarnya software tersebut bisa dikatakan sudah lengkap;
The software is substantially complete. The main period of development was a while ago; the current work is mainly just maintenance & relatively minor improvements. Try running it yourself and you'll find that it's working, fast, and nearly feature-complete.
Dan setahu saya kendala utama bukan pada dana kalaupun hingga hari ini masih belum diterapkan, namun ada faktor lainnya, seperti:
Wouldn’t it be better if Bitcointalk provided a common test environment that was open for anybody to use, without people having to download the software and setting up their own environments? was run for a couple of years, but virtually nobody used it. It was too boring. I'd ideally like people to actually try using Epochtalk for various things that they find fun/interesting. Maybe try a more restrictive moderation style, maybe make it more niche-focused, maybe try adding some crazy features, etc. If people actually try to use it for real things, then the real deficiencies will be found.
-snip- Re: Epochtalk is ready, theymos wants us to test it. C'mon...