i cant even log into site. i get some logo and a numbers . they stole my money like every other site . sick of dishonest thieves.
the login is quite buggy.
it doesn't work always.
i have to try several times to get the login to work.
if the capcha is not showing the numbers you should close the login and then try again until it works.
I've found that when I have many windows/tabs open in browsers or processs running (programs running in other windows) it increases latency in response time to fetch and load the capcha. I believe the 'moving' images on the login page tend to interfere with timing (it moves too fast... login screens that have no moving graphics to load, tend to load up captch right away).
1. Always REFRESH your browser window when on the login page.
2. Be Patient. Click mouse into Email Field, type in email (of the first few letters if you have auto logins stored in your browser) then use TAB KEY to move to next field, PASSWORD. If your browser doesn't auto-fillin password associated with Email Address Entered, and you are on a TABLET or Android, try Using option like "Request Desk Top" in firefox for example. Many sites using mobile scripting are more glitchy thank desktop pages.
3. Make sure you have AdBlocking software turned off which may be blocking or delaying the loading up of captchas.
4. If you use UMatrix or other 'blockers' that let you block ad domains, pictures, other known spammy domains, make sure anything related to Captcha (or google analytics sites with Script codes0 are ALLOWED or NOT BLOCKED.
5. If you are running Chat/Phone Apps that are running in background (that use javascript, etc) try ending those programs until after you sucessfully log on.
6. Be Patient. Often times other programs (like firefox) are running in the background checking for updates, which slows down response time of other programs and browser windows, so waiting to see if captcha appears may be all thats needed.
7. All exchanges and networks are overloaded now, like never before, so patience and don't keep clicking and clicking on options or links because that's another way local networks, lans, etc. get bogged down by users who think if they keep clicking and clicking the systems or programs will move faster... but doing that only makes it worse for everyone.
Good luck!
NOTE: If you ever cut and paste or copy and paste any code, password, etc. that has the $ Sign (or some other special characters) from a notepad, document or email (in windows anyway not sure about mac/adroid.iOs) when you paste it into a the password field of a web page, you may not notice is before the letters turn into ************* but 'the system' will delete the $ signs from your clipboard text being pasted, and the web sight will reject your signin, because your password sent is wrong, even though you pasted it.
I like $ in my passwords because its a good practice to use it to make hacking harder, longer. I always count the character length of the password pasted to make sure it matches the password in my notepad and manually insert the $ if its missing.
After SAVING password in the browser, it should do that automatically...
Good luck trading... be wary of scammer coins, exchanges, wallets, apps, apks, but have patience for all web sites, especially crypto coin related because everyone is swamped and overwhelmed and it may be that way for a long time.
I have issues with Qoinpro right now (date on my account balance says Last Updated Oct 2017) and am patiently waiting for a reply.
As a rule, I keep most of my values offline and only put into an exchange values I can risk losing while trading back and forth. To me, I enjoy exchanges for the tools and ability to exchange between many coins rapidly, but always use caution.
It's A Jungle out there and many scammers are taking advantage as this trading stuff heats up....
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