I received an email from QoinPro stating that there was one day left to transfer BTC into the wallet and receive a stake of BCH and BTG, and I had just happened to be on the lookout at the same time for an investment opportunity that seemed legitimate. I hadn't had any indication that QoinPro may not be legit, so I decided to deposit my BTC into the wallet there (0.03283765 BTC deposit)..
I emailed them several times asking about the fork claims, no response. So, I decided to withdraw my funds. I should mention that I did do one withdrawal immediately after the deposit transferred, but only for 25k s฿. It went through without an issue.
The site says that during the beta period, outgoing trxns are processed manually to "ensure everything is working" (?) so I should allow 24 hours. I'm used to dealing with this annoyance from Coinpot so nbd, but their news feed claims they left beta back in Juny or July (I don't remember which).
I've sent three emails and a Facebook message, none of which have received a response, and I've been waiting well over 24 hours for the release of my BTC... This is not a small amount of money to me, and after some more research I'm starting to wonder about their legitimacy..
Fingers crossed..