Where can I find more info about the Social Network?
The social media aspect of QORA at the moment, is in the integrated blogs that QORA has by default.
You can see an idea of what I'm talking about here. This is one blog located on top of the QORA blockchain, of which you're accessing through a hosted node that I run. -
http://node6.qora.org:9090/index/blog.html?blogname=mystery.manHowever, the current version of QORA is going to be turned into a trade platform, Q-Trade Portal, which will be directly cross-chain BTC, LTC, etc to QORA trades. It will accommodate other coins, tokens, and 'vouchers' in the future as well.
The social media aspect is to be turned into a totally new platform which will essentially be 'QORA 2' but with a different name. In this idea, the platform will be powered by a few new ideas, and include an account 'leveling system' for keeping track of account influence, and 'proof of burn' to keep people funneling newly created coins into a burn pile that will increase their account level.
The account level will be a 'voting power' setup, as well as a factor in play in regards to mining difficulty.
The higher the level of your account, the lower the mining difficulty you get, and the more influence on the network in terms of voting power, and upvote/downvote influence for the upvoting/downvoting of content on the platform.
This will open the door for good content creators to easily make a name for themselves in the decentralized ecosystem, and make good money from their content. It will also provide a 'real' voting system that will allow for even 'traditional' voting for even things like elected officials and so forth, to potentially be done atop the platform. This will be a true voting system not tied to the number of coins in a wallet.
'Gen 2' which is the next generation 'core' of QORA, will be the thing that allows all of this to take place. It is very close to completion by our lead dev, and we should have it being implemented into Karmaship (the first QORA clone project you can read about here
https://karmaship.io, and the main partner of QORA...) as well as the Trade Portal that QORA now will be, and of course, Qora2, which we have yet to come up with a name for. It may be that we call it something with QORA in the name, as I really like the QORA name and the Q that could replace the first letter of the Qora DApps, such as Qrowd (QORA's decentralized automated SmartContract based CrowdFunding platform.)