So qora blockchain isn't working well, right? It harms the market, and polo usually delist unstable blockchain coins. Like last time polo delisted Gemz there due to the blockchain issue.
The blockchain is working perfectly, but I found a small bug in the zipped wallet that stopped the light wallet working.
After installing and running the light wallet it synced, but never opened in the toolbar, so I couldn't open my wallet. However, I could see it had synced by opening this link which shows my wallet's block explorer.
The small bug preventing my wallet working properly was in the run-light-wallet.bat file in the Qora folder.
If you right click it, then select edit a notepad window opens showing you its contents. After I deleted -Dnogui from the fifth line down (shown in red below) and saved the file my wallet started working perfectly
set PARAM=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dnogui -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar Qora.jar
I downloaded the data folder available from either of the links below, unzipped it, and put it in the Qora folder to speed up the sync time. I found it had synced in about two hours with the added data folder. (634.99 mb) (197.02 mb)
The Block Chain's not broken, there is just a small bug in the run-light-wallet.bat file that you double click to start the light wallet.
Thanks for sharing this, its a good help, now I am back on track on my qora wallet.
is there qora dev still alive?
The original dev is no longer part of the project, however, I do have 3 of the original team still part of our expanded team with BURST and our other coins.
That's good to hear. Some question though, given that the 3 devs are part of the extended team of burst, where would their focus be? There isn't a dev that's willing to step up to lead Qora? or will there be a possibility of merging these two coins?
or if burst enables sidechain functionality, qora can be under it?