Hey guys, was researching the reported issue in the QTM blockchain and source code. This is what I'd found:
Let's start with the source code
https://github.com/QTMholdings/quantum/blob/master/src/ ... everything seems normal when you start looking the main file:
10,000 coins reward every PoW block, 0 coins every PoS block in main.cpp. OK. What about main.h?
Last PoW block = 1,000, tx fees = 0, max money = 10,000,000 * COIN. Let's see, 1,000 pow blocks * 10,000 coins = 10,000,000 total coins, so total coins are ok, but wait, if max money = 10,000,000 * COIN in the source code, what is the value of COIN variable? ok let's check util.h to know that information
COIN = 1,000,000 in quantum util.h file. Let's compare this value with another important coins, specifically bitcoin and dogecoin
Bitcoin COIN = 100,000,000
Dogecoin COIN = 100,000,000
Ok so COIN value in quantum is 1 million, but in bitcoin and dogecoin is 100 million, so quantum does not have a COIN variable standard value. What does this means? it means that 2 zeroes are missing in the qtm COIN variable and this value affects directly the data showed in any block explorer, even in coinmarketcap, hiding the real total amount of generated coins.
What can say us the blockchain? well, I had migrated the qtm blockchain to a postgresql db, applied some ordering filters and this is the result:
In the picture we can see 3 transactions at different blocks, we have a transaction of 10,000 coins, a transaction of 100,000 coins a transaction of 10,010,000. How can be possible a 10,010,000 transaction if qtm have a total amount of coins of only 10,000,000? hidden funds is the response. Merging the proofs we can conclude that QTM total amount of coins is more than 10 million.. I am sorry that a community is harmed by a developer who acted unprofessionally. I am confident that TheCryptoEdge, onemanatatime, Kazonomics and AltcoinAce solve this problem soon and optimally
Let me expose your stupidity for a moment little guy.
1) there is/was no hidden block
2) there can only be 1000 blocks @ 10K each - hence 10 million coins, hence any "hidden block" would be nullified as again - there can only be 1000 mined blocks PoW
3) main.h is correct - 10,000,000 * COIN is the max money
4) your taling about things that you don't understand - util.h is telling us the value for display of the coin - hence instead of doing something like 100 * 1000000 to convert an int64 as 100 instead you multiply 100 * COIN (which has a value of 1000000) hence max QTM IS SUPPOSED TO BE 10000000000000 expressed as int64 DUMBASS
You started all this BS based on stupidity and non-understanding of the code - you actually had them abandon QTM and move to QTM2???
Also you are reading the transactions wrong and you don't understand how POS transactions are formatted, and you obviously have no idea how to read as the block you are saying had 10,010,000 QTM in it has 10K in it an likely a test of 10 QTM while I was mining it.
WTF would be the point of mining all these coins? The market could never sustain it.
And finally - if one runs getinfo in the old QTM client - there is LESS THAN 10 million coins because of transaction fees that needed to be paid to ensure large transactions I sent to the QTM team were not delayed - I had many issues with this client and blew the original wallet up and likely lost a modest ammount of coins in the process (thousands)
This though speaks volumes as to the QTM team if you guys didn't see this was incorrect what this guy was saying.
DO NOT make accusations based on stupidy - PLEASE.
You are likely the cause of the FLT threats etc sent to me so likely you are also responsible for me quiting FLT.
Job well done Sherlock!