This type of lockdown didn't even occur at the start of the pandemic, where the virus was way more deadlier than it is now, after going through numerous mutations, without having medication and vaccines, which enable us to have very limited casualties, compared to 2 years ago.
Not only is it saddening, but also suspicious, is China hiding something else, or is it just being paranoid, imposing tyranny over its citizens? Let me also point out that China has a history of lying to organizations such as WHO about the severity of such infectious diseases (same thing happened with both Covid and SARS).
I also found it peculiar it don't seem to be making the news on TV. Maybe they're not reporting about it coz it's election season. The only reason I'm seeing these is I get recommended vids from China-focused channels.
At this point can't really tell how serious the situation is, after all it's the CCP we're dealing with. They do seem to be taking extreme measures so it's possible it's some new strain they haven't publicized yet. They went from welding apartment doors to encaging entire streets.
One wonders if the leaders are simply ignorant, or if Shanghai is being used as some kind of testing ground for some specific agenda.
Hmmmm... what could that be?
There's so many rumors floating around. Some says to restrict supply chain. Some say to reorient the industry for an invasion of Taiwan. Some even claim this is a spat between Beijing and Shanghai. More drama than Game of Thrones LOL.