Looks like it, although that would be exceedingly stupid. The Euro is relatively stable now. There was a time when it was about to implode - incidentally precisely at the time when Bitcoin was at it's low point last October or so.
I doubt it's worries over sudden currency collapse (which is unlikely given the sheer economic mass that is Europe), that will happen more slowly.
What they are more likely (sensibly, not stupidly) worried about is capital controls. If I were Greek facing the possibility of 100% of my savings being locked up, I think conversion to bitcoin and the subsequent risk would be worth taking.
I was basically robbed. I may not hold a bunch of money, but maybe someone with more thought like me.
Euro collapse of course will not happen, just slow theft.
People call BTC insecure, but its pure math. It doesn't matter how little faith the market have in them, how politicians want to stabilize things or what happens; its just THERE.
Your wallet will never default or close your account.
Unless you have a secret spot to bury your physical gold bitcoin is even safer than that as gold has been confiscated before.
When Greece, Italy and Spain defaults what IS safe?
I only wonder who accepts fiat for their BTC at such low rates as we have today.