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Your comment? Tremendous! It shook me. Yeah, research and forecasts? Crucial for gambling, big league. But depending on others? Not smart, folks. Can we trust their research? Is it really for us? Let's be the masters of our fate! Dive into our own research. Time-consuming, sure. But the rewards? Amazing. Knowledge, insights, and that winning feeling! You'll love it. So let's not be afraid, folks. Let's put in the work, and get that knowledge. Power, right? There's nothing better than a decision made with our own incredible insights.
Well said buddy, the internet made it easier for everyone to get information on their own, but unfortunately, many are still so lazy that they still depend on other internet user for information which is available to everyone.
High time we learn to take responsibility for our own actions, I consider it foolish to make important decisions based on other people's research, persons we don't even know, yeah, we can always use other people's research as a case to study when doing our own, but never prioritize another person's research over yours, most especially, in simple matter like this.