It is because the code was modified to stop the "large" stakes that were coming in (nRewardCoinYear used in the Proof of Stake calculation). It could be modified to allow the large stakes up to about 250K in block height then cut them off (it looked like the bootstrap.dat went up to 280ish). I would do it myself, but I am not the dev
src/main.cpp from github
-943,7 +943,7 int64 GetProofOfStakeReward(int64 nCoinAge, unsigned int nBits, unsigned int nTi
943 943
int64 nRewardCoinYear;
944 944
945 945
// Old creation amount per coin-year, 5% fixed stake mint rate
- nRewardCoinYear = 5 * CENT;
+ nRewardCoinYear = 0.5 * CENT;
947 947
948 948
int64 nSubsidy = nCoinAge * 33 / (365 * 33 +
* nRewardCoinYear;
949 949
PS: I went ahead and synced up using the following (similar to the earlier recommendation, but a little faster, and ensuring you end up on the right chain - you will drop right into the other fork if you are not careful the other way):
Backup wallet.dat, put the bootstrap.dat in your wallet directory, then use the old galaxycoin-1-master to import the bootstrap.dat with no connection to the network:
galaxycoin-1-master/galaxycoin-qt -loadblock=bootstrap.dat
then reconnect to the network and use the new 2.0 client to spool the rest from the swarm:
galaxycoin-master/galaxycoin-qt -addnode=
restore the wallet and see how you did. your mileage may vary.
bitcoin: 15syxdZ1cZ8nbz6SnMoc3F3YwmEbcTybU5
galaxycoin: goGx3h7u86FzwZMzpsQFMaU4Q8bM5cUAjf