Lol This thread has officially just became hilarious and off point. You regular members really know how to shine. I'm keeping the site up to help people from becoming victims from individuals who like to scam and people like you who prey on the weak. 4 people aren't going to change my mind about the site when there are far more using it for it's purpose. If you truly want to do something positive for the bitcoin community make your own site that you think is fair. Discussing this with you guys is by far interesting but you guys are so off topic and have no idea what your actually doing for me. You guys come off like everything bitcoin related is a scam that hasn't evolved yet and its absurd. Listen to the things you say and the way you speak to each other. It's really sad that you can't be helpful in other ways. Site STAYS you guys FAIL
There's a reason the moderators and admins on this site have largely moved away from assigning and adjudicating scammer tags, and that is because it is hard. You post blatant scams alongside sites it seems you merely don't like such as SwC and Rugatu. Then on the off chance an honest site cares about your opinion to dispute the allegations you end up assigning some nonsensical AAA+OMGWTFBBQ credit rating.
Assigning bitcoin credit ratings, if you would have read a bit more before half assing your idea into the wild, have a long history of being assigned by scams and scammers. In the best case people keep ingnoring you and you continue working on this site till you get bored or overwhelmed and then finally quit.
In worse cases you start blackmailing sites/businesses. Alternately you engage in assaulting the character of businesses that have been behaving honestly to favor less honest (having hired you) competitors and leading those with low information to trust the wrong businesses.
Your reaction and demonstrated ignorance of the communities surrounding bitcoin suggests the course of action you have with the least negative EV is just dropping this account, reading more, and starting over. You may want to reread greyhawk and MPOE-PR's posts. There may be an offer tucked away in there by which you might be able walk away while still realizing a positive EV on this venture. There may be some things tucked in their writings that are more serious than they might seem on first a impression.