Unfortunately, placing high amounts of bets while gambling brings with it various negative effects. The most important of these is that constantly continue to gamble at high betting amounts and the winnings grow exponentially quickly. This naturally brings about gambling addiction. In addition, gambling more with higher amounts causes both more time to be spent gambling and more money to be lost than planned. On the other hand, gambling with high amounts will also cause stress and tension which will cause the person to feel under-pressure and contribute to making mistakes more easily. In addition, if the individual gambles and loses money under intense pressure the health and psychology of the individual will be negatively affected. In other words, many negative factors especially gambling addiction will trigger each other in a domino effect and cause the individual to be completely affected by the negative effects.
Even though it brings various negative impacts, it will not stop gamblers from continuing to bet on large betting amounts because, according to them, the winnings they will get will also be large. And even though the risk is big, they can accept it, so they still bet with higher bets. Indeed, this can lead to gambling addiction, especially if they continue to gamble without sufficient rest time and a desire to chase victory. We have seen many gamblers who become stressed because their losses this time are getting bigger, and even though they can accept their losses, it is still a big loss. They may plan to return to the casino and try to recover their losses. But the harder they try, the more they may lose. We don't need to try, especially if we have experienced a losing streak, and it is better for us to rest and reduce tension for a few days.
Well that's what has happened and what usually happens to them, no matter how big the risk in gambling, in my opinion their minds are upside down, the main thing should be thinking about the risk, but they focus and think about the victory. From this alone is wrong, then add to that gambling is only for profit, the casino has set up a winning system and of course they have also arranged everything and the most common is that they will continue to make winnings only for the house and not for the gamblers, that's a real fact.
So it is clearly very wrong, and why they have experienced a lot of significant downturns there because their mindset from the beginning has also been wrong, not in accordance with what should be and continue to gamble to find bigger wins or to find wins to cover losses in the previous time. Yes, obviously this is the beginning of addiction, honestly I have also experienced this position, and it is really uncomfortable my friend, you will continue to be depressed by such cycles that are always repeated. Your logic and lust will continue to fight within you, one always wants to be greedy and the other realizes that this is useless and just adds a lot of problems. So I think you should take some time to think about it, I'm sure they know what's best and you should be able to do it.