@OP, looks like you don't like dig standards. Anyways I farmed 2 merits here, mission accomplished. 😂 thanks bro!
Edit: to avoid any confusion, here is what I wrote as a joke to OP:
Because you know, we know dig very well and can assess very well which offenses are extremely frowned upon.
You have committed a lot of frowned upon offenses, which we even told you to avoid via PM. You made fun of it and happily continued to act against dig standards.
Dig will not tolerate such abuse and casino advertisements.
If you don't want to have problems, just stop your casino advertisement, stick to the dig standards, stick to the dig rules and stop shitposting!
I'll also archive your entire post history so we have something to laugh about when the time comes.
Shitposting and running your mouth like this never worked before dig!
😂😂, I guess community loves such jokes, 😉