Doing that, the decision of whether they wish to join or not will be totally on themselves and you will not be guilty nor be called greedy for referring people to places where you earn money while they lose money ultimately.
The second type of referrers take care their referrals, they make research of the casino, they promote, inform referrals about events and problems. They get high quality referrals, but i don`t sure that they can get more money than the first type.
yes, first type of referall links are shared by small youtuber, they don't show us their face just screen record and share there referal links,
some good bloggers and youtuber provide value in their content and then share referal links of safe reputed sites,
for people who have millions of followers on their youtube, facebook and instagram channels, they can get many referrals, in addition to the fact that when these people who have many followers put a casino link on their social networks, these people are not spending money on having to pay for advertising, this is undoubtedly the biggest advantage that people who have social networks with a lot of followers have, but the problem with that is that if they advertise a casino and then that casino becomes a scam then they will lose reputation, soon the only smartest choice they can make is to keep promoting reliable and old casinos
but reliable and old casinos already have many followers which means that even for people with social networks with millions of followers it is difficult to have many referrals, at the end of the day this business of earning money with commissions from referrals is not easy, it's just lucrative for people who created an account early at the casino and started getting referrals and the casino had a good reputation for years, currently new casinos are high risk and disclosing them can make the person have a dirty image