I dragged this thread back to life. Lets try to make a full list of those not paid or refunded in any way.
please read new post on this thread.
New march 9th direct from bob. and he is the one paying the refunds "I should be done with most of the refunds... its been a mess.
Going to make it easyer from here on out (Phil please add this to the OP so people stop asking me the same questions)
Send an email to:
[email protected]Include:
Forum Name
Order Number(s)
# of Shares
Refund Address
Original TXID of payment
If any part of this is missing in the email, I will not be able to process the refund.
Any email sent tonight will be taken care of by midnight mountain time. "
Please do the above as of march 9th No hating. No complaints. This is an effort to be accurate no more no less.
Thank you for giving info. Thank you for being polite. I also want to mention the early shipping date of Feb 24 is still 5 days off. So the issued refunds so far have all came before that date. If the gear would have shipped on the 24th of feb It would have setup around the 1st of March.
I also want to mention I left 5 shares in So it could be why my other 7 were refunded rather quickly. Okay no one that received a refund is reporting this info. I understand why people with no refund yet will report. (they want the refund)
I will go back through the 17 thread as I know at least 5 people said they got a refund.
I was pm'd by thomas
below is the whole pm:
Hey Philip
Can you please add this and a link to this in your post.
Quote from: bobsag3 on February 07, 2014, 10:38:44 PM
Converting to another type of hardware is not really an option.
I will be able to start processing refunds on tuesday, please PM me (bobsag3) with your order on the DZ site, number of shares, meathod of payment, how you would like to be repaid, and payment address. I will only be able to process shares by the full machine IE every 50 shares, and the refund may take up to a week and a half (should be same day but we get swamped with other things). Also, unfortunately the refund fee will still be charged.
I hope this is good enough for now, but do know if you refund you will not be aloud to buy back in.
Thanks for your patience.
I had 12 shares I asked for a 7 share refund on the 7th of feb I got a 7 share refund on feb 11th.
so name : philipma1957
refund shares : 7
date asked : feb 7
date received : feb 11 ______________ if you did not get it put waiting.