This is a public update, however in the future updates will be issued privately only to investors in RentalStarter. To get access to these updates you will need to send a email to [email protected] that is signed by your bitcoin client with your email address so I can confirm you have stock in the company.
I don't quite understand this... do you see the email addresses of bitfunder investors from bitfunder? If so, what sense does it make for me to sign it with one of my bitcoin addresses that has no affiliation with you whatsoever?
I don't have the email addresses from bit funder yet - Ukto is adding a option shortly so that I can get access to the investors emails if they check a box on their BF profile, at the moment that isn't available.
So, the only way to do that is to have the bitcoin client sign the address that's associated with the BF account holding stock (According to Ukto this can be done).
No address that I can sign is associated in any way with my BF account...
edit: Oh nevermind, you can set a public address in the BF profile.