
Topic: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed - page 10. (Read 115358 times)

copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes



Research shows that at least 45 of the 54 nations across the African continent have experienced at least a single coup attempt since 1950.
With recent once-in
1. Niger-2023
3. Burkina Faso- 2022
4. Guinea 2021
5. chad 2021
6. Sudan 2021
7. Mali 2020

With the tensions that has griped other countries with similar political structure as those experiencing this coup, which African country might easily become the next victim of coup? Is this happening a consequence of bad leadership or desperation from the part of the military to cease power by all means.

Where it was copied from

Based on data compiled by American researchers Jonathan M Powell and Clayton L Thyne, at least 45 of the 54 nations across the African continent have experienced at least a single coup attempt since 1950.
Niger: 2023
Burkina Faso: 2022
Guinea: 2021
Chad: 2021
Sudan: 2021
Mali: 2020

copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes

two.625 Banned


Coвpeмeнныe pынки пpaктичecки нe имeют кpaткocpoчныx или cpeднecpoчныx тpeндoв тaк кaк вce эти тpeнды capбитpaжиpoвaны кpyпными мapкeт-мeйкepaми. Пoэтoмy coвpeмeнныe pынки движyтcя oт cквизa к cквизy. Bceгo нa этoм pынкe пopядкa 100 кpyпныx игpoкoв, кaпитaл кaждoгo игpoкa пopядкa 1 миллиapдa итoгo oбщий бaнк пopядкa 100 миллиapдoв aмepикaнcкиx дoллapoв (тoчнaя цифpa нe вaжнa, вaжeн пopядoк). Taк кaк cпeкyляция Bitcoin являeтcя игpoй c нyлeвoй cyммoй - тo oни игpaют дpyг пpoтив дpyгa пepepacпpeдeляя этoт oбщий бaнк мeждy coбoй. Пpи этoм ecли кoличecтвo игpoкoв нeизмeннo, a иx cтpaтeгии нe мeняютcя, тo paнo или пoзднo нacтyпaeт тaкaя cитyaция в игpe пpи кoтopoй ни oдин из игpoкoв нe мoжeт yвeличить cвoй выигpыш, измeнив cвoю cтpaтeгию, ecли пpи этoм дpyгиe yчacтники cвoиx cтpaтeгий нe мeняют. Coбcтвeннo этим и oбьяcняeтcя тo, чтo ты нaзывaeшь флeт - движeниe цeны в yзкoм диaпaзoнe.

Этo иx игpa, тeбя coбcтвeннo игpaть нe звaли и вceм индиффepeнтнo нa твoй кoпeeчный кaпитaл.

Teпepь пpeдcтaвь, чтo в игpy зaxoдит 10-ть игpoкoв, кaждый из кoтopыx внocит в бaнк пo 100 миллиapдoв aмepикaнcкиx дoллapoв cвoиx клиeнтoв. Кaк ты дyмaeшь, кaкoй бyдeт цeнa? И пpeдyпpeдят ли эти игpoки тeбя зapaнee, чтoбы ты и дaжe твoя coбaкa cмoглa иx фpoнтpaнить?

He блaгoдapи зa бecплaтный ypoк пo ycтpoйcтвy coвpeмeнныx pынкoв.

Where it was copied from

2022. Гoдoвoй дoxoд Cayдoвcкoй Apaвии oт экcпopтa нeфти и нeфтeпpoдyктoв cocтaвил $326 млpд

In its 2022 financial year, Apple reported 394.33 billion U.S. dollars in revenues

Hy этo пpocтo тaк, для oцeнки мacштaбa. Я тyт дaжe нe пpивoжy дoxoды oт пpoдaжи тaкиx гaджeтoв кaк F-35 и HIMARS.

Where it was copied from

A чтo пo Aляcкe? Ocтaвитe xoть Aмepикe в cвoиx влaжныx фaнтaзияx? Hy ecли пoтepи тyт вooбщe нe пpичeм, тo тaкими тeмпaми мoжнo дoвoeвaтьcя дo 1/666 чacти cyши чepeз eщe 500 днeй  Grin

Пoтepи Mopдopa 19.07.2023:
Taнки — 4123 (+4)
ББM — 8059 (+8)
Apтиллepия — 4573 (+31)
PCЗO — 689
Cpeдcтвa ПBO — 430 (+2)
Caмoлeты — 315
Bepтoлeты — 310
БПЛA — 3885 (+46)
Кpылaтыe paкeты — 1279 (+6)
Кopaбли (кaтepa) — 18
Aвтoмoбили и aвтoциcтepны — 7105 (+19)
Cпeциaльнaя тexникa — 683 (+6)
Личный cocтaв — oкoлo 239480 чeлoвeк (+470)

Where it was copied from

Taнки — 4123 (+4)
ББM — 8059 (+8)
Apтиллepия — 4573 (+31)
PCЗO — 689
Cpeдcтвa ПBO — 430 (+2)
Caмoлeты — 315
Bepтoлeты — 310
БПЛA — 3885 (+46)
Кpылaтыe paкeты — 1279 (+6)
Кopaбли (кaтepa) — 18
Aвтoмoбили и aвтoциcтepны — 7105 (+19)
Cпeциaльнaя тexникa — 683 (+6)
Личный cocтaв — oкoлo 239480 чeлoвeк (+470)


This fellow had several alternate accounts on the forum, from which he also plagiarized and which have already been banned.

Alts two.625, who are banned for plagiarism.

KalOlak Banned

tw0.625 Banned
copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes



In an ever-changing digital age, the financial sector is also continuously evolving and adapting. The recent Bernstein report mentioned in the news reveals a huge market opportunity - cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will not only be limited to Bitcoin but will also expand to various digital assets, signaling the beginning of a new era dominated by capital. Against this backdrop, as a leading cryptocurrency trading platform, Accerx is at the forefront of this new era, building it together with users.

The Bernstein report recently released undoubtedly sends a positive signal to the current financial market, revealing that cryptocurrencies will further integrate into the mainstream financial market and meet more investors and capital. According to the report, the first Bitcoin spot ETF is expected to be approved in the near future, followed by the listing of Ethereum spot ETF, which undoubtedly brings unprecedented opportunities to the digital currency market.

However, this transformation is not achieved overnight. Although Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently the most well-known cryptocurrencies in the market, the report emphasizes that the asset management industry will not be limited to these two major digital currencies but will expand to other leading blockchain fields and DeFi assets, such as Solana and Polygon. This opens up a new dimension for investors, allowing capital to flow better, while also providing more opportunities and choices for market participants.

In such a context, Accerx, as a forward-thinking cryptocurrency trading platform, is not just an observer of the market but an active participant and promoter.

Where it was copied from

In an ever-changing digital age, the financial sector is also continuously evolving and adapting. The recent Bernstein report mentioned in the news reveals a huge market opportunity - cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will not only be limited to Bitcoin but will also expand to various digital assets, signaling the beginning of a new era dominated by capital. Against this backdrop, as a leading cryptocurrency trading platform, Accerx is at the forefront of this new era, building it together with users.

The Bernstein report recently released undoubtedly sends a positive signal to the current financial market, revealing that cryptocurrencies will further integrate into the mainstream financial market and meet more investors and capital. According to the report, the first Bitcoin spot ETF is expected to be approved in the near future, followed by the listing of Ethereum spot ETF, which undoubtedly brings unprecedented opportunities to the digital currency market.

However, this transformation is not achieved overnight. Although Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently the most well-known cryptocurrencies in the market, the report emphasizes that the asset management industry will not be limited to these two major digital currencies but will expand to other leading blockchain fields and DeFi assets, such as Solana and Polygon. This opens up a new dimension for investors, allowing capital to flow better, while also providing more opportunities and choices for market participants.

In such a context, Accerx, as a forward-thinking cryptocurrency trading platform, is not just an observer of the market but an active participant and promoter.
Activity: 2072
Merit: 4265

I want to ask @light_warrior: Do you use any special tools to find so many plagiarized posts? Or do you check it manually?

Can you imagine how long a manual search for plagiarism can take? In addition, there are several topics on the forum where this topic was raised, including searching for plagiarism. And you, with due attention and perseverance, can find it. But to make the search easier, there are also a lot of resources on the Internet—tools, as you put it—for searching for plagiarism, and there is an opinion that you shouldn’t advertise them very much so as not to give those who like to copy the opportunity to bypass the search. In the same way, you see that light_warrior sometimes posts screenshots, and the sites he uses are clearly visible there. You can do the same.
copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes

wilkine Banned


The Nitro upgrade will further improve the transaction fee crisis that has plagued the growth of the Ethereum network over the last two years.

Abritrum is an Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution that utilizes Optimistic Rollup technology to bundle large batches of transactions off-chain from Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized applications before submitting it to Ethereum.

Referred to as the “Nitro” upgrade, Arbitrum reconfirmed the date of the upgrade in a Twitter post on Aug. 29, confirming that the upgrade will take effect on Aug. 31 at 10:30 AM Eastern Time, while noting a two to four hours of network downtime period is to be expected.

According to Offchain Labs’ GitHub account, Nitro will represent a “fully integrated, complete layer 2 optimistic rollup system” that builds on Arbitrum One with newly improved fraud proofs, along with updated sequencers, token bridges and calldata compression mechanisms.

Offchain Labs is a blockchain-based company established in 2018 which builds a suite of Ethereum scaling solutions, with the Arbitrum One network being the most notable network deployed by the firm.

Where it was copied from

The gap between technology and affordability prohibits farmers from maximizing land usage, a key contributor to world hunger.

To put it in perspective, almost one-third of the world’s population are smallholder farmers working on farms smaller than five hectares. Currently, these farms struggle to produce enough food to feed the residents living on that plot. Comparatively, in G20 nations, farmers often have access to modern technologies that allow them to operate their farms as a commercial enterprise, producing enough food for the family who resides on the plot and hundreds of other people. The result is a massive gap in land utilization.

To overcome this challenge, there is a need to initiate a new age of data-driven farming that allows farmers to leverage the power of technology to collect, analyze and use data to make informed decisions, but at a cost that is attainable by smallholder farms. By incorporating data-driven insights into farming practices, smallholder and family farmers can enhance their crop yields, increase their income and contribute to global food security.

Leading the world of AgTech
Dimitra, a global blockchain-based AgTech company, aims to bridge this gap by collaborating with governments and non-governmental organizations through its Connected Farmer platform which will be made available to smallholder farmers in developing countries without charge.

Where it was copied from

According to the official website of the British government, the British Intellectual Property Office issued the "Practice Amendment Notice (PAN)" earlier this month, which contains guidelines for the classification of NFTs, virtual goods and services in the Metaverse. The United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) does not accept NFT as a separate taxonomic term, but "digital art certified by NFT" is acceptable, and physical goods certified by NFT can be classified as appropriate goods categories. Virtual goods will be treated the same as physical goods, but applications for virtual goods will only be accepted in clearly defined circumstances. Regarding virtual services, the guidance states that if a service can be provided virtually, the UKIPO will continue to accept such a service, but this approach may not be applicable to all metaverse services, especially if a service in the metaverse is not available. When falling within the same category as the traditional form of delivery.

Where it was copied from

UFBI News: On April 28, according to the official website of the British government, the British Intellectual Property Office issued the "Practice Amendment Notice (PAN)" earlier this month, which contains guidelines for the classification of trademarks for NFT, virtual goods and services in the Metaverse. The United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) does not accept NFT as a separate taxonomic term, but "digital art certified by NFT" is acceptable, and physical goods certified by NFT can be classified as appropriate goods categories.
sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 340
Jolly? I think I've heard that name before. hmm
I have a question for the esteemed community. I often come across texts without a source, which are copied and remade with the help of some application for rewriting. Can such texts be considered plagiarism? And what percentage of rewriting should be for this text to be counted as plagiarism?

Here is a concrete example of rewriting.

Maybe use an article spinner tool. I think it's the same as plagiarism. If he didn't mean to create spam or plagiarism, he should have rewritten it in his own words. So even though the idea is the same but the writing is different, it is usually still considered unique

I want to ask @light_warrior: Do you use any special tools to find so many plagiarized posts? Or do you check it manually?
copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes

darkluna12 Banned

Copy, slightly edited

Arguably, CBDCs could potentially be the future of payments, and it will be interesting to see how the market develops as more central banks begin to explore and adopt this technology. It has the potential to revolutionize the world of finance by providing a more efficient, secure and transparent digital currency.

Where it was copied from, stole from IBM itself Smiley

CBDC could be the future of payments, and it will be interesting to see how the market evolves as more central banks begin to explore and adopt this technology. It has the potential to revolutionize the financial world by providing a digital currency that is more efficient, secure and transparent.

Activity: 1918
Merit: 2916
Here the uniqueness of the text is 25.45%. Can it be considered plagiarism?

I reported such texts and all users used this kind of plagiarizing were banned. So if you have good evidence of plagiarism through slight rewriting I guess you should show it and report. Moderators will decide in each exact case, but all similar cases I found were marked as good.
copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
I have a question for the esteemed community. I often come across texts without a source, which are copied and remade with the help of some application for rewriting. Can such texts be considered plagiarism? And what percentage of rewriting should be for this text to be counted as plagiarism?

Here is a concrete example of rewriting.

Audius (AUDIO) is the native cryptocurrency of the Audius platform, a decentralized music streaming and distribution platform. It is designed to facilitate transactions and interactions within the Audius ecosystem. Here are some key points about AUDIO:

Utility Token: AUDIO serves as a utility token within the Audius network. Users can earn, spend, and stake AUDIO tokens for various purposes on the platform.

Artist Payments: Musicians and artists on Audius can earn AUDIO tokens as direct payments when their music is streamed. This allows artists to receive a fair share of the revenue generated by their music.

Governance: AUDIO holders have the ability to participate in the governance of the Audius protocol. They can vote on proposals and changes to the platform, giving them a say in its development.

Staking: Users can stake AUDIO tokens to help secure the network and participate in the platform's Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. In return, they may receive rewards in the form of additional tokens.

Integration: AUDIO can be used within the Audius platform for various activities, such as tipping artists, accessing premium features, and participating in community initiatives.

It's important to note that the value and utility of AUDIO may vary over time, as it is subject to market dynamics and the growth of the Audius ecosystem. Users interested in AUDIO should stay updated on its use cases and market trends

Here the uniqueness of the text is 25.45%. Can it be considered plagiarism?

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 816
Top Crypto Casino

User who plagiarizes





Where it was copied from

The link:

copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes

WhiteBearWill Banned

The user continues to plagiarize.

UPD User is banned

Copy, slightly edited.

The blockchain data analysis platform, IntoTheBlock, revealed in a recent report that 42% of Dogecoin holders are in profit. The report compared the top 6 popular meme coins and showed that DOGE has the highest proportion of profitable holders, but 44% of DOGE tokens are owned by whales. Among PEPE holders, the profit percentage is 21%, and 49% of PEPE tokens are held by whales.

Where it was copied from

IntoTheBlock, a blockchain data analysis platform, revealed in a recent report that 42% of Dogecoin holders are profitable. The report compared the top 6 popular meme coins and showed that DOGE has the highest proportion of holder profits, but 44% of DOGE tokens are owned by whale. The profit ratio among PEPE holders is 21%, and 49% of PEPE tokens are owned by whale.

copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes

nhalabelgian Banned


Electric cars produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional gasoline or diesel vehicles. This helps combat climate change and reduce air pollution, which is crucial for a sustainable future.

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CEXs are often subject to various financial and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations imposed by governments and regulatory bodies. Implementing KYC procedures helps them comply with these regulations and prevent illegal activities such as money laundering and terrorist financing.

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Both crypto and real estate have their pros and cons. Crypto can offer high volatility and potential for quick gains, but it's also risky. Real estate tends to be a more stable long-term investment with the potential for rental income. Your choice should align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Diversifying your portfolio might also be a good strategy.

Where it was copied from

Activity: 3290
Merit: 16489
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
You beat me to it. It's so obvious when a Newbie posts generic information without question on the tech boards.
Why do I not have my own Nuke button yet?

Update: He's nuked.
copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes

Zusus Banned


Each block can only contain a certain number of transactions, and that number is determined largely by the space available in each block, or the 'block size,' which is 1MB. The limited space gives rise to the fee market, where miners, who collect fees, choose to include in the next block only those transactions which have included a high enough fee. Thus higher fees act as incentive for miners to prioritize your transactions.

Note that the block size is an arbitrary limit, but the Bitcoin community has chosen to keep the block size as small as possible in order to make it easier for people to operate Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin Cash, which is a fork of Bitcoin, has a larger block size and therefore requires (much) lower fees for transactions.

1. Where it was copied from

Cryptocurrency exchanges and trading are practices where two people can oversee your transaction outside government oversight. In countries where the national currency tends to fluctuate constantly, causing the quality of life to plummet, cryptocurrency can help to avoid these economic disasters

Where it was copied from

To send Bitcoin, you must have access to the public and private keys associated with the amount of bitcoin you want to send. When we talk of someone "owning" bitcoins, what it actually means is that person has access to a 'key pair' comprised of:

-a public key (an address) to which some amount bitcoin was previously sent
-the corresponding unique private key (a password) which authorizes the bitcoin previously sent to the above public key (address) to be sent elsewhere.

Public keys, also called bitcoin addresses, are randomly generated sequences of letters and numbers that function similarly to an email address or a social-media site username. As the name implies, they are public, so you are safe sharing them with others. In fact, you must give your Bitcoin address to others when you want them to send you bitcoin. The private key is another sequence of letters and numbers, also generated randomly. However, private keys, like passwords to email or other accounts, are to be kept secret. Never share your private key with anyone that you do not 100% trust to not steal from you.

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copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes

Alfira_oo Banned


The world's first open-source cryptocurrency is known as a decentralized digital currency. No financial institution or clearing house is required for transactions here and it is not a currency issued by any country's government.

Blockchain technology is all about cryptocurrency in the transaction process. So the future of Bitcoin is very promising.

Bitcoin is one of the mediums to make dreams come true which will make international financial transactions much easier, and without the hassle of paper money, which will make transactions much more convenient.

Where it was copied from

Bitcoin is the world's first open-source cryptocurrency known as a decentralized digital currency. No financial institution or clearing house is required for transactions here and it is not a currency issued by the government of any country. In 2009, a group of individuals or groups, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, introduced the coinage, known as peer-to-peer coinage.

Activity: 2072
Merit: 4265
copper member
Activity: 602
Merit: 921
User who plagiarizes



Volaris, aerolínea de México, lanza Pase Anual impulsado por NFTs para mejorar viajes. Es pionera al adoptar esta tecnología innovadora. Ofrecen 10 NFTs de destinos icónicos como Cancún y Bogotá en Opensea, con 30 unidades por diseño. Cada NFT incluye Pase Anual para vuelos ilimitados por un año a 70+ destinos. Primeros 20 compradores obtienen regalos especiales. Esto sigue una tendencia en la industria aérea hacia tecnología blockchain y NFTs para mejorar experiencia y administración de boletos.

Where it was copied fromínea_mexicana_volaris_presenta_un_pase/?rdt=54567

hero member
Activity: 1764
Merit: 694
[Nope]No hype delivers more than hope
User: HailunBu

The nonfarm payroll (NFP) report is a key economic indicator for the United States and represents the total number of paid workers in the U.S. excluding those employed by farms, the federal government, private households, and nonprofit organizations.
The nonfarm payroll report consistently causes one of the largest rate movements of any news announcement in the foreign exchange (forex) market. As a result, many analysts, traders, funds, investors, and speculators anticipate the NFP number and the impact that it will have on forex.
The NFP report is typically released on the first Friday of each month, providing the total monthly increase or decrease in paid U.S. workers across most businesses. Increasing numbers may show economic expansion but may also give investors reason to be concerned about inflation and decreasing numbers suggest a broader economic concern.

Copied from:
The nonfarm payroll (NFP) report is a key economic indicator for the United States and represents the total number of paid workers in the U.S. excluding those employed by farms, the federal government, private households, and nonprofit organizations.

The nonfarm payroll report consistently causes one of the largest rate movements of any news announcement in the foreign exchange (forex) market. As a result, many analysts, traders, funds, investors, and speculators anticipate the NFP number and the impact that it will have on forex.

The NFP report is typically released on the first Friday of each month, providing the total monthly increase or decrease in paid U.S. workers across most businesses. Increasing numbers may show economic expansion but may also give investors reason to be concerned about inflation and decreasing numbers suggest a broader economic concern.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 591

AltcoinNews--. Banned

A cryptocurrency whale, identified by Lookonchain, has made a significant Investment, spending a total of approximately 7,626 Ethereum (ETH), equivalent to $13.44 million, to purchase 17 different Tokens. Lookonchain has been closely following this whale’s transactional activity since August 7th, providing updates on their purchases.

Earlier this month, the whale spent around 1,784 ETH ($2.96 million) to acquire 2.6 million OLAS tokens. However, the value of OLAS has since decreased, resulting in a loss of $613,000 for the whale. Despite this loss, the whale still holds the OLAS tokens.

Another notable transaction involved the whale purchasing 23.36 million RLB tokens for approximately $2.62 million (1,430 ETH), followed by selling these tokens for 2,013 ETH. This sale generated a profit of 583 ETH ($758,000) for the whale. It is worth mentioning that the whale had the opportunity to make a higher profit on the RLB tokens, as they initially held a profit of $1.3 million on August 9th but decided to wait until the recent sale, resulting in lower gains.

The whale also bought 17,613 UNIBOT tokens earlier this month, spending 1,360 ETH in the process. However, they later sold 16,000 UNIBOT tokens at a lower price, incurring a loss of approximately $165,000.

Additionally, the whale purchased 21.74 million Bitcoin tokens (different from BTC) for 1,125 ETH ($2.06 million) at a rate of $0.0948. While the whale still holds these tokens, their value has increased, resulting in a profit of about $415,000 for the trader.

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