Feel free to report plagiarism in this thread. But please make it easy on the moderators by checking modlog the next day (or a few days later) and edit your post when the account has been banned.
Example: username banned!
UpdateBelow is the answer by
mprep (Global Moderator).
33. Posting plagiarized content is not allowed.[e] - Does this rule apply to images?
AFAIK no, it doesn't apply to images.
Thank you, can I quote you?
Feel free.
UpdateTheymos wrote this:
Nobody is banned strictly because of "the rules"; it's always handled case-by-case, but almost always, plagiarists deserve to be permabanned.
If you think that a ban should be ended, make your case in a new topic from a "good for the forum as a whole" perspective.
Most plagiarism from copy/pasting spambots or shitposters deserves a permban. However, Admin can make exceptions if it's better for the forum if the user in question returns.
redsn0w got a 30 day ban, and 2 year signature ban. Signature bans are displayed on the profile page, and have been handed out before.
I'm quoting the image to draw attention to this update:
You can use Vod's BPIP.org to check if an account has been banned (thanks Veleor).
Update to this topic
See |LIST| Banned users for a list of 159k banned accounts. See which one suits you best, so we don't report them again.
I just stumbled upon a proven case of framing someone for plagiarism:The scammer can take the original text from the forum, post on his website changing the date and write a complaint, and also delete it by editing it. We need to study this problem.
After investigation, and with help from the rest of the mod team, I've determined that inbizin = bitkoinguru$$$. He created that blog post (registering the domain in June) and then made that post in Meta in order to frame you. The moderator who actually did the banning was not a Russian moderator, but was acting upon what seemed to be a clear case of plagiarism. The thought of this type of attack had occurred to me before, but this is the first time that it's actually been done successfully. I'll have to think about countermeasures.
lhmrij and
xca900174 deserve a permban. Update:
lhmrijI noticed this post (
I wonder how the recent BTC TX backlog will affect future byte distributions.
This is a direct copy/past from this post (
I wonder how the recent BTC TX backlog will affect future byte distributions.
I checked the post he made before this one (
Blackcoin's growth is actually quite modest compared to many other alts. I wouldn't read too much into this without context.
It's also a copy/past from someone else (
Blackcoin's growth is actually quite modest compared to many other alts. I wouldn't read too much into this without context.
xca900174This user does the same. Copy/paste (
i have two questions, when the next distribution will be? and can i link the same bitcoin address to another byteball address for the next distribution or i need more bitcoin linked with new address
Original post (
i have two questions, when the next distribution will be? and can i link the same bitcoin address to another byteball address for the next distribution or i need more bitcoin linked with new address?
I doubt they speaks English. Both are Chinese, both use the same SONM ICO signature.