
Topic: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed - page 95. (Read 118776 times)

full member
Activity: 293
Merit: 105
Love is all
 Two accounts connected rejju

And tuqraa

Proof :-

Proof of joined post
Bitcointalk username: tuqraaa
Campaign : Translate ( Hindi )
Portfilo :
Telegram id : @ebzerovic
ETH adress : 0xe6b015ceEb86d7f828DF95E1B595138F14129D5a

If you decide to add Hindi language I want to reserve it. If you accept please send me a message.

Hindu Translator & Moderator
BitcoinTalk Name: Reiju
Rank: Jr. Member
BitcoinTalk Profile Link:
Document for translate: ANN + Bounty Thread + WP + Web
Previous Translations:
Eth Address: 0xe6b015ceEb86d7f828DF95E1B595138F14129D5a
Email: [email protected]
Telegram: @Ebzerovic

Same teligram id and same ethereum address..

Sorry if this is not the right place for reporting..

Edit :- done as suggested by below post

Activity: 3136
Merit: 3213

There is more just that.
We got in the past a few fake Sonex Ann threads with always the same message from diffrent Users .
You can read it here in my thread
The Last user that was happend got hacked and the Post was done , but he got his Account back already and deleted the ANN .
Activity: 1722
Merit: 5937
Sonex came back with yet another attempt, please ban for plagiarism

SONEX is a blockchain protection project with the ability to send signed transactions. The project has fast transactions, low commission for transfers.

In addition, the distinctive features are:
Without premine
Not ico
No bounty programs
Quick access to stock exchanges
Without masternode
As well as many other features, which we describe in the future.

Ectavia is a blockchain protection project with the ability to send signed transactions. The project has fast transactions, low commission for transfers.
In addition, the distinctive features are:
Without premine
Not ico
No bounty programs
Quick access to stock exchanges
Without masternody
As well as many other features, which we describe in the future.
Activity: 2324
Merit: 1604
vdkracing make several copy/paste post on local board.

Copy Post:
Tips menurut saya :
- Gak usah berpacu dengan membuat postingan dengan tujuan dapet merit. mengapa? Karna merit akan datang sendiri sesuai kualitas dan isi post kita.
- Pilih, pahami , dalami dan tuangkan dalam tulisan "point" yang menjadi keunggulan diri sendiri. mengapa? Contoh, misalkan saya ingin menjadi seorang miner (pilih). Maka saya akan mencari info2 seputar mining (pahami). Lalu saya perdalam lagi sampai keakarnya ada apa aja dalam dunia mining (dalami). Maka, secara otomatis saya bisa dikatakan sudah punya "bekal" ilmu mengenai Mining jika sudah melakukan 3 point pertama tadi. Lalu saya tuangkan dalam bentuk tulisan di setiap postingan saya, seperti memberikan : Tips, Tutorial, Positif/negatif mining,dll (tuangkan).
Maka orang yg melihat postingan kalian akan memberi "reward" merit Karna mereka anggap postingan anda cukup berbobot.
- Turut aktif dalam yang didiskusikan dan memberikan gagasan yang menarik dan berwawasan.

Original post:
Tips menurut saya :
- Gak usah berpacu dengan membuat postingan dengan tujuan dapet merit. Why? Karna merit akan datang sendiri sesuai kualitas dan isi post kita.

- Pilih, pahami,dalami dan tuangkan dalam tulisan "point" yang menjadi keunggulan diri sendiri. Why? Contoh, misalkan saya ingin menjadi seorang miner(pilih). Maka saya akan mencari info2 seputar mining (pahami). Lalu saya perdalam lagi sampai keakarnya ada apa aja dalam dunia mining(dalami). Maka, secara otomatis saya bisa ditakan sudah punya "bekal" ilmu mengenai Mining jika sudah melakukan 3 point pertama tadi. Lalu saya tuangkan dalam bentuk tulisan di setiap postingan saya, seperti memberikan : Tips, Tutorial, Positif/negatif mining,dll (tuangkan).  Wink
Maka orang yg melihat postingan kalian akan memberi "reward" merit Karna mereka anggap postingan anda cukup berbobot.

- Turut aktif dalam yang didiskusikan dan memberikan gagasan yang menarik dan berwawasan.

Maap om saran dari nubie  Grin kebanyakan jadi silent rider doang taun lalu daptar btt. But for me, lebih baik baca2 dulu sblom ngepost asal2an, akun baru netes udh nanyain merit Grin

Copy Post:
Saya rasa juga sepi karna banyak penghuninya rata rata bounty hunter yang cuma nimbrung di thread - thread bounty ya kali bang , yang profilnya cuma isi report per week untuk bounty atau pun postingan POA untuk bounty, jarang skrng para bounty hunternya untuk nimbrung di thread diskusian begini bang.

Original post:
Saya rasa juga sepi karna banyak penghuninya rata rata bounty hunter yang cuma nimbrung di thread thread bounty kali yak, yang profilnya cuma isi report per week untuk bounty atau pun postingan POA untuk bounty, jarang skrng para bounty hunternya untuk nimbrung di thread diskusi an begini

Copy Post:
Lalu bagaimana kalau abang login dari browser atau perangkat berbeda? Apakah reCAPTHCHA bisa dipakai (browser yang berbeda)? Saya rasa tidak, karena browser yang berbeda ini tidak menyimpan data yang biasa kita gunakan untuk login. Jadi, mau tidak mau kita harus verifikasi captcha seperti biasanya bang.

Original post:
Lalu bagaimana kalau agan login dari browser atau perangkat berbeda? Apakah reCAPTHCHA bisa dipakai (browser yang berbeda)? Saya rasa tidak, karena browser yang berbeda ini tidak menyimpan data yang biasa kita gunakan untuk login. Jadi, mau tidak mau kita harus verifikasi captcha seperti biasanya.

Some of his/her post has been deleted by mod, so I'm too late to archives it.
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1359
The spammer uses a content spinning technique to try to avoid plagiarism detection.

What type of freak decides that's a topic vital to this forum AND decides to plagarise it too?

I have no fraking idea. According to his post history, probably just another shitposter bounty spammer with multiple alts.
Activity: 2590
Merit: 3015
Welt Am Draht
The spammer uses a content spinning technique to try to avoid plagiarism detection.

What type of freak decides that's a topic vital to this forum AND decides to plagarise it too?

Activity: 1526
Merit: 1359
Activity: 1584
Merit: 1280
Heisenberg Design Services
Another case of plagiarism and this time this is a plagiarism from quora website and newbie seems to be plagiarizing referral codes as well.  Cheesy

Please ban newbie adi1396 for plagiarizing referral codes and posts from quora website.

Copy :

Currently there are 2 easy way of doing it.

1. Zebpay - One of the easiest way to cash out bitcoins in INR. Simply download the App and do the KYC. Send your Bitcoin to your bitcoin address at Zebpay and Sell whenever you are happy with the sell rate. Withdraw money to your bank account instantly. You could use Promo Code REF09507764 on the Sell to earn 100 Rs of free Bitcoin.

2. Koinex - the .in domain exchange is a new one but pretty good as well. Just do the KYC and transfer Bitcoin to your Balance Bitcoin address at Koinex. Withdraw the amount instantly.

I hope it helps!

Archive for future reference :

Original :

As the author of this post wisely said "Not your keys, Not your Bitcoin"

The biggest mistake besides sharing your private wallet address is to keep your cryptocurrency on exchange wallet.

As you may know in the whole history of crypto there were many hacker attacks on exchanges like Binance, Bitmex, etc. Unfortunately, most of them ended up losing money of his customers.

To Avoid this kind of events you have 2 options:

1. Keep your coins on your wallet, and send them to exchange only when you want to sell them

2. Find crypto exchange which simply does not possess your private wallet key. Even if the exchange got hacked or turned out to be a scam - you won't lose your money.

Don't wait! Join BBOD Community and become real Bbodian!

Archived for future reference :

Original :

The biggest mistake besides sharing your private wallet address is to keep your cryptocurrency on exchange wallet.

As you may know in whole history of crypto there was many hacker attack on exchanges like Binance, Bitmex etc. Unfortunatelly most of them ended up losing money of his customers.

To Avoid this kind of events you have 2 options:

1. Keep your coins on your wallet, and send them to exchange only when you want to sell them

2.Find crypto exchange which use "Non-custodial accounts". This is the best way of keeping your coins safe because they simply do not posses your private wallet key. Even if the exchange got haccked or turned our to be a scam - you won't lose your money.
Activity: 1584
Merit: 1280
Heisenberg Design Services
Activity: 2590
Merit: 1988
1% Skill 99% Luck :v
Cryptohopper started to make ANN on several local boards and apparently used a bump service
ANN made by zenrol28

I just signed up and I'm going to test them out. So far I gotta say this is pretty cool. I'm thinking it's going to save me a lot of time.
I just signed up and I'm going to test them out. So far I gotta say this is pretty cool. I'm thinking it's going to save me a lot of time.

I just download and I'm going to test them out. So far I gotta say this is pretty cool. I'm thinking it's going to save me a lot of time.
I just download and I'm going to test them out. So far I gotta say this is pretty cool. I'm thinking it's going to save me a lot of time.

I'm really liking it. It's been giving me about 2-4% daily on automatic trading, and good for noobs
I'm really liking it. It's been giving me about 2-4% daily on automatic trading, and good for noobs

Türkçe local board
Sadece indiriyorum ve test edeceğim. Şimdiye kadar bunun çok havalı olduğunu söylemeliyim. Bana çok zaman kazandıracağını düşünüyorum.
Gerçekten beğendim. Bana otomatik ticarette günde yaklaşık% 2-4 ve noobs için iyi veriyor

Activity: 1526
Merit: 1359
Casual plagiarism.

If you ask me, plagiarism should be dealt with a perma-ban hammer at the first offense. However, in this case, the evidence indicates that he is a multiple offender.
Here are a few more plagiarized posts from hakan3015 as I am sure his posting history is full of this copy/pasted shit.

Fantom FTM coin piyasaya çıktığı günlerden bu yana değerini hızla katlayan, yatırımcılar tarafından büyük ilgi gördüğünü düşündüğüm bir projedir. Popüler borsalarda işlem gören fantom coinin yakından takip edilmesi gerektiğini düşünüyorum.
Fantom, mevcut kamuya açık muhasebe teknolojilerinin ölçeklenebilirlik sorunlarını çözmeyi amaçlayan yeni bir DAG tabanlı Akıllı Sözleşme platformudur. Platform, mevcut DAG tabanlı protokollerin geliştirilmiş bir sürümünü kullanmaya çalışarak kendisini geleneksel blok temelli depolama altyapısından ayırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Fantom platformu, fikir birliğini korumak için “Lachesis Protocol” olarak bilinen yeni bir protokol benimsemiştir. Bu protokol Fantom Opera Zincirine entegre edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Amaç, Fantom Opera Zincirinin üzerine inşa edilmiş uygulamaların tüm kullanıcılar için anında işlemlerin ve sıfıra yakın işlem maliyetlerinin keyfini çıkarmasını sağlamaktır. Fantom’un misyonu, dünyadaki tüm işlem organları arasında uyumluluk sağlamak ve düşük maliyetli gerçek zamanlı işlemlere ve veri paylaşımına izin veren bir ekosistem oluşturmaktır.


Kripto para yatırımcıları günümüzde uzun vadeli yatırım yapıp para kazanmanın yanı sıra başka şekillerde de gelir elde edebiliyorlar. Bazı yatırımcılar günlük al-sat işlemlerinden para kazanırken bazıları referans programlarından faydalanıyorlar.

Referans programları özellikle çok fazla sayıda kişiyle etkileşime geçen kişiler için oldukça etkili bir para kazanma yöntemi. Kripto para sektöründen para kazanmak isteyen kişiler bu programı kullanarak çeşitli kişileri çeşitli borsalara yönlendirebiliyor, bu kişilerin o borsalardaki işlemlerinden komisyon alabiliyorlar.

Bu kişiler referans programları sayesinde bizzat işlem yapmalarına gerek kalmadan para kazanabiliyor, bu parayı ister kripto para ister itibari para şeklinde alabiliyor ve dilediğinde kullabiliyorlar.


Belki haberiniz yoktur arkadaşlar 2020 Mayıs ayında bitcoinin blok ödülleri yarıya düşürülecek. Bu olay uzmanlar tarafından heyecanla karşılandı hatta 2020 mayıs ayında bitcoinin 55.000 dolara kadar  yükselebileceği konuşulmaya başlandı. Zengin olma hayalleri kuruluyor bile Smiley Bitcoin yarılanması HALVİNG nedir kısaca onu anlatayım.

Halving kelime anlamı olarak yarılanma demek, yani Bitcoin blok ödülünün yarılanması anlamına geliyor. Satoshi Nakamoto ilk olarak Bitcoin hakkında teknik yazı yayınladığında toplamda maksimum 21 Milyon adet Bitcoin olacağından, ve bu Bitcoinlerin 2140 yılına kadar kazılacağını belirtmişti. Ancak ağda madencilik ödülünü sabit olarak belirlemektense belirli aralıklarla yarılanan ödül şeklinde tasarladı. Daha net olması açısından, örneğin şu an blok ödülü 12.5 BTC ise, yaklaşık olarak 21 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde gerçekleşecek diğer yarılanmadan sonra sabit blok ödülü 6.25 Bitcoin’e düşecek. Yani artık madenciler her blok için 12.5 BTC yerine sadece 6.25 BTC kazanacaklar. Bitcoin ilk çıktığında bu blok ödülü 50 Bitcoindi. Ancak günümüze kadar iki kere yarılanan blok ödülü şu an 12.5 Bitcoin. Bitcoin blok ödülü yaklaşık olarak her 210,000 blokta bir yarılanıyor. Yani yaklaşık olarak her 4 yılda bir ödül yarı yarıya azalıyor.


Activity: 1638
Merit: 1329
Stultorum infinitus est numerus
Casual plagiarism.

Concerned Account: hakan3015 - 400 posts with only 8 merit.
Archive Link:

The user specifically states that they worked hard to gather all information together so that you can access/use crypto on-the-go with these mobile wallets, a quick Google search says otherwise.

Due to the user being a Jr. Member, moderators are unable to take action.
Activity: 1624
Merit: 2594
Top Crypto Casino
If banning is appropriate punishment for plagiarism/stolen content from the online articles. Well, he does.
Simply given references from youtube but it's totally plagiarized.

Newbie account: robbiearchibald10
Plagiarized thread:
From this article:

User robbiearchibald10 has multiple plagiarized (copy-pasted) shitty posts without properly citing the source. I think he's ready for a permaban. Wink

Latest posts (archive):

My favorite Arbitrage trading platform is Tap.Global . Tap’s intelligent middleware scans multiple order books from top exchanges in seconds to ensure liquidity and best price and reduces trading risk. They also have an app that allows you to view your portfolio whenever and wherever you may be.

From :

Activity: 2492
Merit: 1232
If banning is appropriate punishment for plagiarism/stolen content from the online articles. Well, he does.
Simply given references from youtube but it's totally plagiarized.

Newbie account: robbiearchibald10
Plagiarized thread:
From this article:
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1359
Please ban newbie PradxToken for plagiarizing ANN thread/Whitepaper from other project.

Refference link (scam accusation):
Activity: 2212
Merit: 2061
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
Please ban ngahang448 and haohao1234567 as both users have plagiarized posts stolen/copied from online articles. They are using text spinning tools to hide their tracks.

I also suspect users listed below to be connected in some way (maybe being alts of each other) considering their profile names, posts being made one after another in the same thread within a narrow time-frame.

hahuong123, duyhuy100, kieunu and calenda99

Copy/Spinned text:

The first Bitcoin halving in 2012 saw BTC increase by just over 100%. As the chart above shows, the performance after a year in 2013 is astonishing at 3447.9%. The second halving occurred in 2016 - BTC notes an increase of 125.6%. By the year after 2017, the annual performance of BTC reached 1242.6%.
While these data may be considered a coincidence, other prominent analysts now expect Bitcoin to continue rising to an all-time high ($ 20,000) by 2020. I think. You should hope



Right now, Bitcoin is in a year of stable growth - the cycle that has witnessed BTC ending the year with an increase of 125.6%. This simple analysis - coupled with the fact that Bitcoin has followed the direction of the previous cycle (2013-2016) around this time (2017-2020), suggests that BTC will end this year at least. over 10,000 USD, these would be about 16,500 USD if history repeats.



Right now, Bitcoin is in the year of steady growth, which in the last cycle saw BTC end the year up 125.6 percent. This simple observation, coupled with the fact that Bitcoin has been following the previous cycle’s (2013-2016) directionality this time around (2017-2020), suggests BTC will end this year at least above $10,000, but around $16,500 if history repeats to a T.
Activity: 92
Merit: 28
Trust: ???: -0 / +99
please ban this user: metenjean

*Level Pertama: Level Unconscious Incompetence
Level paling awal yang dilalui oleh trader pemula.
Pada level pertama ini (Unconscious Incompetence), biasanya trader bisa profit besar, namun itu hanya beginner luck saja (karena keberuntungan semata). Sebagai seorang pemula, biasanya kita tidak akan percaya bahwa kita bisa untung hanya dengan 1 indikator saja. Para pemula di level Unconscious Incompetence biasanya sibuk mencari puluhan strategi dan indikator. Tidak ada trader yang sukses hanya dengan faktor keberuntungan. Quick loss akan datang menyusul quick profit. Trader level pertama, meski tidak bisa trading dengan benar, tetap percaya diri karena faktor luck menghampirinya. Trader level pertama biasanya merasa spesial, dan akan mampu mendapatkan kunci kekayaan dari trading.
Trader pemula tidak menyadari bahwa 90% trader yang gagal juga mempunyai perasaan euphoria seperti itu. Sang pemula tidak berdasar sistem, dikuasai oleh emosi, selalu averaging posisi jika loss karena marah pada market. Trader level unconscious incompetence selalu ambil untung kecil-kecil dan membiarkan profit berubah menjadi loss. Hal itu terjadi karena trader pemula dikuasai oleh greed atau perasaan serakah. Itu wajar dan umum.

*Level Kedua:  Leve Holy Grail Seeker
Di level Holy Grail Seeker, trader mulai sadar bahwa ia tidak bisa trading, tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk trading. Para Holy Grail Seeker sadar bahwa selama di level pertama dulu, pikirannya kabur oleh emosi dan tidak bisa berpikir jernih. Di level kedua, trader akan mencari holy grail, yaitu sistem yang sempurna, sistem yang 100% profit dan sistem yang tidak pernah rugi. Trader level kedua atau para Holy Grail Seeker mulai membeli sistem/robot yang ada di internet. Trader pemula level kedua mulai membaca semua website tentang trading mulai dari UK, USA, Australia, Europa sampai Russia, para Holy Grail Seeker membaca semua ebook yang ada, mempraktekan semua sistem trading. Trader pemula level kedua ini haus akan ilmu seperti seorang pengembara di padang pasir yang haus akan air minum.
Pada level ini kita akan mencoba semua hal tentang indikator, bahkan mungkin akan membuat indikator sendiri. Dan kita kan bermain-main dengan MA, fibonnacci lines, pivot point, Fractals, Divergence, DMI, ADX, dan ratusan indikator lain. Para Holy Grail Seeker menganggap bahwa market terlalu rumit untuk diprediksi hanya dengan 1 indikator saja. Para Holy Grail Seeker mencoba menebak level tertinggi dan terendah dari harga.


Activity: 1624
Merit: 2594
Top Crypto Casino
Please ban user SmartyEther for plagiarizing an article from steemit.



Steem Diamond is a blogging platform. On Steemdiamond, people earn
rewards in form of cryptocurrency when their blogs get upvoted by
other users of the Steem Diamond.

A simple example to understand the DIAMOND and Diamond Power

Think of Steem Diamond-Blockchain as a gold mine. Steemdiamond as a
tool to mine this gold. And users use this tool for mining.

The mine produces a fixed amount of gold every day. In the world of
Steemdiamond, we call this gold ‘Diamond Token’. The Diamond Token
(gold) is traded by the people in the market (online cryptocurrency
exchanges). They buy it on a speculative price and keep it (hold) with
them to sell later when the prices go up. Why the prices will ever go
up? Because the Steem has many use cases; it is useful and scarce.

The value of Diamond Token is exactly the amount at which people are
trading it in the market. The trust of the buyers and holders (the one
who own Diamond Token) gives it a price on the exchange.

DIAMOND POWER is a measurement of how much influence a user has in the
Steemdiamond network. The more Steem Diamond a user holds, the more
they can influence the value of posts and comments.
Influence tokens which give you more control over post payouts and
allow you to earn on curation rewards.

hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 593
I add more :

Plagiarism Archived :
Perkembangan aset kripto di Indonesia dapat menimbulkan sejumlah dampak negatif yang mempengaruhi sistem perekonomian negara.

Staf Ahli Bidang Organisasi, Birokrasi, dan Teknologi Informasi Kementerian Keuangan Sudarto mengatakan, pergerakan aset kripto di Indonesia belum terlalu besar. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Keuangan, aset kripto terpopuler di Indonesia, Bitcoin, berkontribusi terhadap 0,38% dari nilai Bitcoin global.

Original :
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