
Topic: Request: New Local Board for Pakistan (Urdu) - page 3. (Read 4765 times)

hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 877
I'm hoping that will change after the end of 2023. With a new year, theymos might give us a new year gift, hopefully. Smiley

With the stats being shared by our beloved member Hamza2424, the monthly activity for the month of October is yet another successful story.
We are doing some amazing work, and trust me in some cases even better than the communities already having a local board  Wink

 Monthly Activity Report (October)  

sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 318
The Alliance Of Bitcointalk Translators - ENG>BAN
I hope we can get the local board as we bacame a big community now and posts in a single thread have been increeased immmensely. Our thread reached 800 plus pages now, and if compared with other loacl baord, most of the time our posts are more than theirs. Sometimes it is harder for us to make diffeerent kind of posts in a single thread, It wont make sense when in a day we make more than 40 posts, harder to go back and reach them all to find the relavent info.
Same here mate. We are having the same issue in our local board/thread (Bangladesh). Every posts gets stack up with each other. This overlapping causes important posts to gets buried in old pages. I think you'll get a local board soon. I understand quality matters more then quantity but you guys are doing well based on the statistics. Pakistan thread has many active members and post counts are also good. On the other hand we don't have enough active members but we are also trying. Pakistan and Bangladesh are the most active threads which still doesn't have their own local boards yet. I'm hoping that will change after the end of 2023. With a new year, theymos might give us a new year gift, hopefully. Smiley
Activity: 3234
Merit: 1654
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I hope we can get the local board as we bacame a big community now and posts in a single thread have been increeased immmensely. Our thread reached 800 plus pages now, and if compared with other loacl baord, most of the time our posts are more than theirs. Sometimes it is harder for us to make diffeerent kind of posts in a single thread, It wont make sense when in a day we make more than 40 posts, harder to go back and reach them all to find the relavent info.
hero member
Activity: 812
Merit: 619
hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 877
Here again, we are with the Merit Summary of our local board for the month of September, prepared by Hamza2424 of course.  Smiley

Our stats speak for ourselves. We only wish that Theymos give us the gift of Local Board this New Year 2024  Tongue

Merit Summary September

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 354
Pakistan Board Members (updated on 05-Oct-2023)

Legendary|Hero|Sr. Member|Full Member|Member|Jr. Member|
irfan_pak10 |Sayeds56 |WatChe | MusaPk |Morningstarr |Magic-Maker-40 |
shahzadafzal |UmerIdrees | Faisal2202 |JunaidAzizi|kaka_Shipai |NomiPk
|CryptoYar | Unknown Op|Cheema02| TOXIC-ZY| |
| Hamza2424 | Gladitorcomeback |HONDACD125| Rehan Zakir | |
| MFahad | |hafiztalha|Imranbutt44| |
| ThemePen | |GbitG|SATWAT| |
| ZAINmalik75 | |Compromise me|Shumyl| |
| | | |ZeeshanTrade| |
| | | |Publictalk792| |
| | | |ZeshanRandhawa| |
| | | |ZeeshanTrade| |
| | | |Dictator69| |
| | | |snowpega| |

Total Active Members as of 05-Oct-2022: 35/42
hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 877
You just checked posts written in the last two days (September 29th and September 30th) to see how miuch merit they got, right?

Yes, that is absolutely right.  Smiley

I am asking because you would have to check all posts written last month in order to get correct number because some post from lets say September 10th might have been merited on September 30th and you would have missed it if you only checked those last few days, or post from September 29th might have been merited on October 2nd which then doesn't count towards September. For that reason its best to wait for Friday and check Merit Dashboard to get exact numbers.

Hmm this is a valid point, but lets suppose on this friday, 06th October, the the dashbaord is updated and after that there is again some old posts being merited and the probability of this increases more becasue of this thread [Merit] Help posts in local boards that did not receive enough merits by hugeblack. So this merit count per month can increase at any time, the best part of this is that it cannot decrease.  Smiley
Activity: 1722
Merit: 5937
I just checked the two days merit shared data manually for 29/30 September and found that 16 merits were shared. So by adding these 16 merits, the effective merits shared in the month of September becomes 374.
You just checked posts written in the last two days (September 29th and September 30th) to see how miuch merit they got, right?

I am asking because you would have to check all posts written last month in order to get correct number because some post from lets say September 10th might have been merited on September 30th and you would have missed it if you only checked those last few days, or post from September 29th might have been merited on October 2nd which then doesn't count towards September. For that reason its best to wait for Friday and check Merit Dashboard to get exact numbers.
hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 877
With that said, here we are with another amazing month. Again Our member Hamza2424 come up with some interesting facts and figures of our local board for the month of September.
Since he published those charts today, I can tell you that he is missing merits shared for the last two days, September 29 and 30th meaning your numbers are probably even higher (unless there was no merits shared during that period). Thing is, Ddmrddmr updates his Merit Dashboard every Friday, and since last Friday was on September 29th, that means merit data for September is not complete.

So, what I would suggest him is to wait until this Friday (October 6th) so he can get total amount of merits shared during last month.

You are right here however it's hard to believe that there are no merits being shared in the last two days of the month. The reason is that there are so many good posts and some of them are merited by the members. Unlike other local boards, we do not have a merit source but still this number of merits shared is impressive.

I just checked the two days merit shared data manually for 29/30 September and found that 16 merits were shared. So by adding these 16 merits, the effective merits shared in the month of September becomes 374.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 5937
With that said, here we are with another amazing month. Again Our member Hamza2424 come up with some interesting facts and figures of our local board for the month of September.
Since he published those charts today, I can tell you that he is missing merits shared for the last two days, September 29 and 30th meaning your numbers are probably even higher (unless there was no merits shared during that period). Thing is, Ddmrddmr updates his Merit Dashboard every Friday, and since last Friday was on September 29th, that means merit data for September is not complete.

So, what I would suggest him is to wait until this Friday (October 6th) so he can get total amount of merits shared during last month.
hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 877
Alhamdulillah! We have achieved one more milestone. We have completed 800 pages of discussion of our local thread.

With that said, here we are with another amazing month. Again Our member Hamza2424 come up with some interesting facts and figures of our local board for the month of September.

Monthly Activity Report (September)

For rest Total users and their total count is as follows....

1. ZAINmalik75 [53]
2. JunaidAzizi [50]
3. Gladitorcomeback [45]
4. Publictalk792 [43]
5. Cheema02 [38]
6. HONDACD125 [38]
7. Hamza2424 [35]
8. UmerIdrees [34]
9. ThemePen [32]
10. Faisal2202 [29]
11. ZeshanRandhawa [28]
12. hafiztalha [24]
13. GbitG [23]
14. Compromise me [19]
15. ZeeshanTrade [16]
16. Dictator69 [15]
17. Magic-Maker-40 [13]
18. Unknown Op [13]
19. snowpega [11]
20. God bless u [7]
21. btctodamon [7]
22. MusaPk [5]
23. NomiPk [4]
24. Captainkt [3]
25. Mariah20 [3]
26. AnonBitCoiner [2]
27. ITExpert [2]
28. Spark22 [2]
29. irfan_pak10 [2]
30. shahzadafzal [2]
31. Bpcryptohub [1]
32. Gulu_khan999 [1]
33. IhsanUllahkk [1]
34. Imranbutt44 [1]
35. JackieKing [1]
36. Lion02 [1]
37. MarcoReus11 [1]
38. SATWAT [1]
39. Tiger420 [1]
40. WatChe [1]
41. encryptogon [1]
42. petulino [1]

sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 354
Alhamdulillah! We have achieved one more milestone. We have completed 800 pages of discussion of our local thread. One of our community members shared and I am quoting his post. And this is showing that we are just near to get our local board.

hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 877
September 14, 2023, 03:11:37 PM
And here is the Merit analysis for August 2023 for our local board.

Another presentation by our member Hamza2424  Smiley

Merit Analysis August 2023

hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 877
September 02, 2023, 11:15:07 PM
stats with progress.

With that said, presenting the stats for August (compiled by Hamza in our local board).
Point to note is that the monthly post count and the number of active users in our thread is at the All time high for this year.  Smiley

Monthly Activity Analysis Pakistan

hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 765
I stand with Palestine.
I am saying this not to discourage you but instead not to get disheartened if you don't get on local board soon. Imho, the best course of action is tomorrow just keeps being active, keep your thread clean of spam, bump this thread every once in a while and eventually you will get your own local board.
You are not discouraging anyone you are just guiding us. And we are posting in our local thread and getting knowledge in our own language.
If we get the local board so we will expand ourselves and many who don't know about the local thread or just posting in bounty sections they may try to come to our local board. And we always try to bump this thread with stats with progress. And we have the hope so we will get our local board soon. Smiley
hero member
Activity: 1120
Merit: 571
20BET - Premium Casino & Sportsbook
I don't think that's smart thing to do, to set  deadlines or any sort of dates when you should get your own local board. Since there's been only one local board created in the last 5-6 years, it's obvious that's not something that happens often and just because Nigerians got it, doesn't mean that guy will gey one soon too.

I am saying this not to discourage you but instead not to get disheartened if you don't get on local board soon. Imho, the best course of action is tomorrow just keeps being active, keep your thread clean of spam, bump this thread every once in a while and eventually you will get your own local board.

This is very much true that there is no guarantee when we will get our separate board. The only thing we can do is continue our moment in legitimate manner. Already we are among top 10 most active communities here and with time we will grow further. I would say our request is like Bitcoin, nothing can be said about its accomplishment.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 5937
Yes exactly 2025 is too far away. I think we will get our local board earlier.
I don't think that's smart thing to do, to set  deadlines or any sort of dates when you should get your own local board. Since there's been only one local board created in the last 5-6 years, it's obvious that's not something that happens often and just because Nigerians got it, doesn't mean that guy will gey one soon too.

I am saying this not to discourage you but instead not to get disheartened if you don't get on local board soon. Imho, the best course of action is tomorrow just keeps being active, keep your thread clean of spam, bump this thread every once in a while and eventually you will get your own local board.
hero member
Activity: 1414
Merit: 513
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Again, I hope that till 2025 we will be able to achieve our own local board, as I am excited for the upcoming time as these increasing stats just boil the blood and motivate more.

So are aiming for 2025 to get your local board by that time. Well, don't you think 2025 is still too far away and we are still in the 3rd quarter of 2023 or do you want to get your local board in the bull season Wink

If there are no technical reasons, I think you will get your board much earlier. The only thing that may delay the local board is if Theymos has some other plans and he is not willing to add more boards (though he has added the Nigerian board recently). Otherwise, Your people's efforts diverse you a local board.
I have no such desire to get a board before bull season; instead, I just made that date randomly and wished that we might gain our local board until then, and if we get our board earlier, then it is way better then. And thanks for the encouragement; your words meant a lot.

We are trying hard from our sides, and Insha Allah, one day we will have our own board, and the number of legendary people will also increase to 10. It's just a wish that will come true only when it's made. I mean, at least keeping a target in front of others sometimes encourages them.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 765
I stand with Palestine.
Again, I hope that till 2025 we will be able to achieve our own local board, as I am excited for the upcoming time as these increasing stats just boil the blood and motivate more.
So are aiming for 2025 to get your local board by that time. Well, don't you think 2025 is still too far away and we are still in the 3rd quarter of 2023 or do you want to get your local board in the bull season Wink
Yes exactly 2025 is too far away. I think we will get our local board earlier.
 And he is just thinking that we may get earlier but if we didn't get so in the 2025 our community will grow speedy and we have much members and activity so the administration will not hesitate to give local board. Am I right Faisal2202?

So we still have the hope. And we deserve it and soon we will get it. Smiley
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1172
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Again, I hope that till 2025 we will be able to achieve our own local board, as I am excited for the upcoming time as these increasing stats just boil the blood and motivate more.

So are aiming for 2025 to get your local board by that time. Well, don't you think 2025 is still too far away and we are still in the 3rd quarter of 2023 or do you want to get your local board in the bull season Wink

If there are no technical reasons, I think you will get your board much earlier. The only thing that may delay the local board is if Theymos has some other plans and he is not willing to add more boards (though he has added the Nigerian board recently). Otherwise, Your people's efforts diverse you a local board.
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