Not supporting Vod but riso defaulted on a loan in August 2015 while Vod left him a rating in 2014. Doesn't make a valid justification to get him removed from the DT
That alone is not a justification for him to be removed, however that is still an issue that is small and when combined with other small issues (along with the large issues) then
he should be removed. Like you?
If the 'default trust member' (high position) think that Vod should be removed ... then I think he will be removed
(like dooglus did with you).What I am asking is very different from what dooglus did to me.
Yes what I am asking other Level 1 users to do is the same as what dooglus did to me on a very high level, as dooglus did negate me on his trust list and I am asking other level 1 DT users to do the same to Vod.
However the reason I am asking for others to remove Vod from the Default Trust network is because it is not appropriate for Vod to be in the Default Trust network. On the other hand, dooglus claimed that he negated me from his trust list because I was "bullying" tspacepilot, and as ridiculous as that sounds, that could not be farther from the truth (both regarding my actions, and dooglus' rationale).
If you look at both
this, and
this (
archive1, and
archive2) threads, then you will see that the activity of dooglus to StrikeSapphire is very similar to that of tspacepilot to coinchat. In both cases, it is pretty clear that both parties were cheating the site they were playing on, and in both cases both parties denied any wrongdoing, and in both cases the party they scammed cried foul.
I also suspect that dooglus is one or more of the following troll accounts:
In order of confidence, and a significant amount of speculation was used to make the above list, however the top one on the above list, and possibly one or two more would make a lot of sense if one were to assume that dooglus wanted to discredit anyone who was saying that exploiting weaknesses in websites for profit is a scam.
Even if the above list is entirely incorrect, negating me over my rating of tspacepilot is a clear conflict of interest considering how long of a history that dooglus has of engaging in similar activity that tspacepilot engaged in to steal from coinchat. (dooglus is even brazen enough to
brag about his previous exploiting sites, although he was spinning it in a way that does not make him look quite as bad.