Truly, taking breaks is really important but it gets harder when we are chasing our losses. Last night I played overtime just because I want to get back all the losses and I think that's not a healthy thing to do. I had been thinking about it when I woke up and I said to myself it should not happen again.
There's always another day to do it but it just sucks to see that my balance is not the same as before the losses. I mean, I was actually winning before the system took it all back and more. It's a stressful event and I suggest to all gamblers never to do it because it's not a good feeling afterward.
Then you don't chase the losses, that is the only antidote to revenge in gambling, and anyone who turns a deaf ear to it will always regret it. Come to think of it, how many people have you heard that revenge gambling has helped? In fact, if it helps someone today, it can't be consistent as most of the gambling attempts in this kind of psychology will ever be unproductive, and this is the way gamblers lose more thinking that they can change the narrative even on that same day. But they are always wrong, there is nothing as good as taking a break at that time to gain some fresh breaths, it is after this you get to launch again and try your luck under the cool and breathable gambling atmosphere. I have experienced this thing several times, especially in trading, and the only result is always bad when I don't take a break. But when I force myself to take a break, the results are always good. So, the solution remains that we should be very careful about it, especially when we are losing, that is not the end, we can gain it back. Nothing is better than a calm mind and getting to fight another day. This is one of what they call responsible gambling and there is no alternative to it.
Well this is a type of experience that cannot be repeated, because things can be affected in our money, in our way of having our income and it is not good to Spend money on van, especially when it costs us so much to have it, in this order of Teachings we are the People who must be responsible, especially with ourselves to be able to set an example for others and even more so if we have someone in charge of us, because this is an Example of the things we have to do to Demonstrate that we are people consistent with our actions and our way of doing things, for that reason when we are in a casino, what we should not do is chase losses, the good thing About each one's experience is that when we do this, we do not get good results, They do it during the hours of the night where the priority is to rest and sleep because things tend to be more difficult, because in spite of all this it can Happen that even though you need to have more Relationships in your Mind , they don't repeat themselves, quite the opposite. This is the only thing to Avoid, because then we will only lose.
This is one of the cases where we always have to determine Our way of playing, where it has to be made clear that things like this have to be Attacked in another way, for that reason we are not doing a coulauier type of game Session , At the Moment when we lose Money and we don't want to lose any more, we have to Stop, we don't have to continue, it is best to assume that we have lost and not insist on the goal because it doesn't make sense, in another Opportunity we will play and we will be able to do better things, that It is basically that things can Manifest themselves , for the Reason that when we are in a casino the First thing we must have and Consider is that we must Always have the money ready to lose, then from there we do not have to Invent , and pay attention to our own rules so that there are no more Problems.