You cannot even agree with me on "what is a Christian"? I think that a Christian is one who follows Jesus's "New Commandment". You think that a Christian believes in Jesus as a savior. However, all "saviors" are phony by definition. Jesus never said that he was YOUR "savior" and he urged you not to worship him. You are not aware of all of the details because only 4 of 28 written gospels were placed into your Bible and then approved as DOGMA by the Church of Rome. Those gospels are deliberately placed into that book called Bible by the Church of Rome, else why would the Church approve their placement into that book? There are many errors in the Bible and to get a better idea of what it is all about, it is helpful to read Journals in their entirety, that way you can judge the content in wisdom of knowledge.
I don't worship Jesus, I worship our Father in Heaven. Jesus told us to worship Him (our Father in Heaven), and pray to Him. So I do.
I know that I have been saved through Jesus Christ. Just this morning I had another demonic attack through my dreams and saying His name got me out of it. They hate that. Why should they hate the name of Jesus if He didn't save us from them? What do you think of the stories of demons in the bible?
I posted this in
another thread, but I just wanted to place it here, so you can see some people will be false prophets, and try to act like they know what will happen, this information in the Phoenix Journal about Hatonn.... he's supposedly an "alien" (demon)...
Actually, it is written in Journals that "no man knows the day nor the hour", and that what happens in these times is up to us. As for Hatonn being a prophet, yes he is in a strict sense a prophet so why don't you hear him out; accept the truth and discard what does not resonate with you?
I do not agree with the few quotes specifically in the quote box above. They are not biblical. God created sex to be enjoyed (between husband and wife). Also Christians will be persecuted in the final days, it's not called the tribulation for nothing.
God created sex for procreation, not enjoyment. I suggest you think about this.
It's quite clear to me that sex is enjoyable, and so therefore God created it for a husband and wife to come together and have pleasure. The marriage between a man and woman is represented in the bible of Jesus and the church. Men and women were meant to compliment each other and work together, and if they have any problems, discuss them, and then come together in a union. I'm not saying Jesus and the church are sexual in nature, but that the plan was for people to long for Jesus. We long for Him to be the head of us (the church). When we sin, we can ask for forgiveness and He takes all responsibility for that sin on Him, and we are washed clean. It shows how a man is supposed to treat his wife.
I agree we don't know the day or hour, but we are to look for the season.
Nothing we on earth can do will create peace, what happens in these times, will not be because of us, and you are totally deceived if you think you can or if you think some alien will.