
Topic: Revelation Prophecies: Global Citizens? NWO? JADE HELM 15= UWEX 16? CERN? - page 7. (Read 121543 times)

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Video: It has begun European countries shutting down Alternative Media sites.

France Begin Shutting Down Alternative News Websites

"The French government have rushed through strict “anti-terror” laws in the wake of the Paris attacks, which are now seeing alternative news websites being shut down in France. The French version of We Are Change has been blocked already, amid an unprecedented crackdown on alternative media in Europe. reports:

‘Le Blog De Resistance‘ is a popular French-language alternative news source with over 10 million hits and thousands of regular subscribers. The author, who calls himself Z, has been in panic mode since a state of emergency was called after the Paris attacks. This high-level alert was extended for three months, along with a pro-war propaganda campaign and the media under strict orders toterrify the population like never before. While chaos continued outside, the French Government locked themselves away to discuss new legislation which would affect the alternative media in a very negative way. Today, Z’s greatest fear was realized, and he writes:

'And so it begins. How long will this blog remain open? The worst is that the French do not care, they are totally obsessed with more security at the expense of their freedoms. The world mocks the terrible secrets revealed by Snowden. Amazing – in France, the ‘land of liberty’. Today once again I repeat, I am very afraid for freedom of expression and the alternative media. I don’t know how much longer I can write and report freely. I fear for myself. Risk taking was already intense, made worse with the slew of laws passed since the beginning of the year (anti-terrorism law, intelligence …) now, it’s huge. It’s very hard for us to write under the state of emergency. Stress and tension are everywhere.'"
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: John Kerry Admits They're Making "Order Out of Chaos" for "World Order"

"John Kerry just told everyone exactly what the true goals are in the Middle East. They are creating chaos to bring order to it, their order, a "world order". It doesn't get any more blatant than this.

Full interview:"
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Forced Vaccinations For Veterans: PASSED!

U.S. Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans

"....Substantial concerns have been voiced concerning the potential for inserting bioweapons into vaccines. Indeed, given the history of known contaminated vaccines, this is hardly a matter of speculation. Polio vaccines have been found to contain cancer. A Merck rotavirus vaccine was found to be contaminated with a pig virus. Another Merck product, the Hepatitis B vaccine, was reported to have been laced with the AIDS virus. In addition, a tetanus vaccine distributed in the third world was found to contain human chorionic gonadotrophin, an anti-fertility agent known to produce spontaneous abortions.

The correlation between the rise in vaccinations of children and autism has become an urban legend.

A Bill has just passed the U.S. Senate, mandating that the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs ensure that all veterans receive immunizations (vaccines) per a draconian schedule. At this juncture, active military must receive over a dozen vaccines. This piece of legislation is therefore an effort to extend the vaccine mandate to those who have previously served their country.

Sec. 101 of Senate Bill 1203, named the 21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act, states that the Department of Veterans Affairs will be tasked with the mandate to…

    ensure that veterans receiving medical services under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, receive each immunization on the recommended adult immunization schedule at the time such immunization is indicated on that schedule.

The schedule referred to above is frankly staggering. Over 90 vaccines are listed....."

SB 277 signed into Law and is EFFECTIVE July 1, 2016

"...Governor Brown signed SB 277 the most stringent vaccine mandate in the United States on June 30, 2015.  This new law will go into effect on July 1, 2016.

Families that do not comply with the one-size-fits-all vaccine mandate, will lose their State Constitutional right for a free and appropriate education in public and private K-12 schools. The use of licensed daycare facilities, in-home daycare, public or private preschools and even after school care programs are also included in SB 277. School aged children, not up-to-date on every mandated vaccine, will be required to home school without options for classroom learning...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500

"Do the research, and you learn there is far more evidence that he is Muslim, than Christian."

CSPAN: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?

"Pay attention to when he uses the word "we"..."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: 3 Judges Hold The Fate Of The Internet In Their Hands; Net Neutrality

"Next week, a federal appeals court in Washington will hear one of its biggest cases of the year, one whose outcome will directly affect how Internet providers can alter your experience online."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Whether or not you believe in Christianity or pagan gods, that does not mean that the people in charge don't. Remember people do sacrifice to pagan gods whether you believe in them or not. Personally, I think these old pagan gods were fallen angels and/or Nephilim, but whether or not the existed doesn't mean people won't still sacrifice to them.

This researcher, I don't even think is a Christian, but just looking for the truth, and noticing the alignments of events with the planets (representing pagan gods).

Video: Ritual Sacrifices of 11-13-15 and 9-11-01 fully explained

"The 11-13 event was not just sacrifice to Mars, it was more, much more. The Ritual Sacrifice on 9-11, what was it really who was it too if 11-13 was a ritual sacrifice? Well here it all laid out for you right here.

Video - Events In Paris are Part of a Ritual Sacrifice to Mars, Roman God of War

Video - Proof the 'Paris Attacks' were a RITUAL SACRIFICE (R$E)

November 2015 guide to the five visible planets

Video - Cronos Poseidon vs Zeus Hades operation Jade Helm 15

The Lost Tribes of Israel and the Mythology of Cronos, Saturn, Baal Tsaphon, Typhon, and Cernunnos

Notes on World Trade Center attack

36,400 BC: The Historical time of the Zep Tepi Theory

Wow Hoover Dam decoded part 2

Secrets In Plain Sight

Par | ISIS attacks | Ritual sacrifice to Mars | Roman God of War

The Egyptian God Horus

Lord Shiva Statue Unveiled

Cronus (Kronos, Chronos, Saturn)

Baal - The Story of Baal

Zep Tepi, The Metatrons and Mars

Video: Paris attack Goddess Kali a planned ritual

Black Sun

CERN Defends Its Statue of Hindu God Shiva ‘The Destroyer’

“Star of the Sun”

The Life of Kronos

Satan vs God a Brief History

Poseidon of Atlantis"

Video: Paris Terror Attack

"A lot has been said about the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, but what where is all this global madness leading to."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

In the last days, knowledge will increase, Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Video: UNVEILED: Secret Archive Reveals Millions Of Freemasons & Their Crimes Throughout History!

Churchill, Oscar Wilde and Jack the Ripper? Freemasons from throughout history to be revealed

"The list is being published online by the genealogy company, Ancestry

A once highly secret list containing the identities of two million Freemasons throughout history is to be published online, revealing the extent of the organisation’s influence in the upper echelons of society.

Everyone from Oscar Wilde and Rudyard Kipling to the Duke of Wellington and Lord Kitchener were members, The Daily Telegraph reported.

There are even claims that a singer suspected of being Jack the Ripper was protected from prosecution because he was a mason.

Other members include Sir Winston Churchill, Edward VII, George VI, Edward VIII, explorers Ernest Shackleton and Captain Robert Falcon Scott, scientists Edward Jenner and Sir Alexander Fleming, engineer Thomas Telford, businessman Harry Selfridge and social reformer Thomas Barnardo, as well as both Gilbert and Sullivan.

The list is being published online by the genealogy company, Ancestry.

Miriam Silverman, senior UK content manager at Ancestry, told the Telegraph: “We’re delighted to be able to offer people an online window into a relatively unknown organisation.”

Meanwhile a new book by the director and screenwriter of the film Withnail and I, Bruce Robinson, claims that Jack the Ripper was a singer called Michael Maybrick.

The book, The All Love Jack: Busting the Ripper, claims that all the murders had elements of masonic ritual. The symbol of a pair of compasses, for example, was carved into the face of one victim.

Maybrick and his brother James, also a suspect, were both masons, as were two senior police officers, three police doctors and two coroners involved in the case. Maybrick was a member of the “Supreme Grand Council of Freemasons”.

Robinson told the Telegraph: “It was endemic in the way England ran itself. At the time of Jack the Ripper, there were something like 360 Tory MPs, 330 of which I can identify as Masons.

“The whole of the ruling class was Masonic, from the heir to the throne down. It was part of being in the club.

“Part of the whole ethic of Freemasonry is whatever it is, however it’s done, you protect the brotherhood – and that’s what happened.

“They weren’t protecting Jack the Ripper, they were protecting the system that Jack the Ripper was threatening. And to protect the system, they had to protect him. And the Ripper knew it.”"

Was Titanic inquiry scuppered by the Freemasons?

"A new secret archive shows a high level of masonic involvement in the inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic

 “The Titanic inquiry in Britain was branded a ‘whitewash’ because it exonerated most of those involved. Only three passengers were interviewed, and they were all from first class"
Titanic Expert Nic Compton

 A secret archive containing the names of two million Freemasons has been made public for the first time on the genealogy site Ancestry which reveals extensive Masonic involvement in the controversial British investigation into the catastrophe.

It confirms that not only the judge who oversaw the British Wreck Commissioner’s inquiry into the disaster and leading investigators, but also even some of those who escaped censure were all Freemasons.

While a US Senate inquiry into the sinking savaged the White Star Line and singled out the British Board of Trade for blame for lax regulations which allowed the scandalously small number of lifeboats fitted on the ship, the UK investigation overseen by Lord Mersey avoided blaming the Board of Trade.

Lord Mersey himself - John Charles Bigham - was, the records show, a Freemason, initiated in 1881 at the Northern Bar Lodge in London.

Crucially, so too appears to have been the President of the Board of Trade Sydney Buxton, initiated at Limehouse in East London in 1888 where he was the local MP at the time....
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: "Blue Dragon" On Australian Shores

Rare Sighting of a "Blue Dragon" Spotted on the Shores of Australia

"Depending on your tastes, this bizarre little blue creature may inspire either aww-worthy shrieks of excitement or a bit of discomforted shock, possibly a combination of both. Meet the blue dragon, one of the weirdest and most wonderful little-known animals in the world. The proper name of this mythical-looking creature is Glaucus atlanticus, or blue sea slug, and although it is much smaller than its fictional brethren of lore (only about an inch or two in length) it has a host of nasty tricks up its sleeve—er wing?

They spend their lives upside down, attached to the surface of the water and floating along at the mercy of the winds and ocean currents. Blue in color, they blend in with the water in order to camouflage themselves within their environment. And though petit, these baby dragons are also dangerous: they predate on venomous cnidarians, such as the Portuguese man o’war. They store the stings cells collected from these cnidarians within their own tissues, and use them as a defence on anything that bothers them. Handling a little blue dragon could result in a painful, and possibly dangerous, sting.

Although rarely spotted by humans, one of these alien-like specimens was caught on film after washing ashore in Queensland, Australia."

Tiny Real-Life 'Dragon' Makes A Stunning Rare Appearance

Video of the dragon on the beach when you scroll down.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Freak Satanic Surgery Could Give Men Wombs !!! Man Playing God EXPOSED

Surgery Could Give Men Wombs of Their Own Within 5 Years

"Will men be able to give birth sooner than, well, never? (Credit Yahoo Health/iStock)

That’s the question provoked by last week’s announcement that the Cleveland Clinic is performing uterus transplant surgery on women who were born without a womb or whose uterus is diseased or malfunctioning. Hearing the news, we, and some of you, wondered: If science can transplant a uterus into a woman, can it transplant one into a man?

The answer is yes. Theoretically, men could receive a uterus, carry a baby to term,  and give birth. But what really blew our minds is that the day of male pregnancy is closer than you’d think.

“My guess is five, 10 years away, maybe sooner,” says Dr. Karine Chung, director of the fertility preservation program at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine. Today, medical advances let transgender women adjust their biochemistry to suppress male and introduce female hormones, have breasts that can lactate, and obtain surgically constructed vaginas that include a “neoclitoris,” which allows sensation.

Until now, however, a place to carry the fetus — a womb of its own — was a major missing link. Uterus transplants could conceivably surmount that hurdle.

“I’d bet just about every transgender person who is female will want to do it, if it were covered by insurance,” says Dr. Christine McGinn, a New Hope, Pa., plastic surgeon who performs transgender surgeries on men and women and is a consultant to the new movie The Danish Girl, about one of the first recipients of sex reassignment surgery.

McGinn, a transgender woman and mother of twins, says the “human drive to be a mother for a woman is a very serious thing. Transgender women are no different.”...."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Are you an alt of ?
Content seems ridiculously similar ^_^

Nope. Apparently he's a bit misled, he thinks he's actually Jesus Christ. I don't have any alts on here.

Video: Myanmar: 100 or more feared dead after Jade Mine Landslide

Scores killed in Myanmar jade mine landslide: officials

"Around 100 people have died in a huge landslide in a remote jade mining area of northern Myanmar, officials said Sunday, as search teams continued to find bodies in one of the deadliest disasters to strike the country's shadowy jade industry.

Those killed were thought to have been mainly itinerant miners, who scratch a living scavenging through mountains of waste rubble dumped by mechanical diggers used by mining firms at the centre of a secretive multi-billion dollar jade industry in war-torn Kachin state..."
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1145
Are you an alt of ?
Content seems ridiculously similar ^_^
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: "Mountains Moving" California

Landslide Buckles Vasquez Canyon Road; 2-Mile Stretch Closed Indefinitely

"....A portion of Vasquez Canyon Road remained closed indefinitely Friday after a landslide prompted buckling and significant damage along a 2-mile stretch in the Canyon Country area.

'This isn’t just the road; it’s the mountain itself that’s moving and it’s pushing the road up,' said Paul Funk with L.A. County Department of Public Works...."

Not saying this is the 7th seal, far from that, for now, but...the bible does talk about mountains moving around. Wink

Revelation 16:20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: Crimea In State Of Emergency! Multiple Attacks On Power Grid! Cut Off From World!

"Russia’s Crimea has switched to autonomous reserve power after transmission towers in the adjacent Ukrainian Kherson region were blown up, causing a blackout. Meanwhile, the Right Sector and Crimean Tatar “activists” have been attempting to block repairs.
Crimean authorities rushed to connect hospitals and other vital infrastructure to reserve power stations and generators late on Saturday after the four main transmission lines from Ukraine were cut off in an apparent act of sabotage. The regional energy ministry has created an emergency response center to deal with the power cut.

“Crimea has been completely cut off,” the Krymenergo energy company’s director Viktor Plakida told TASS, adding that he could not immediately provide any more details.

The Crimean Emergencies Ministry has declared a state of emergency due to the complete power outage and has put rescue teams on high alert.

State of emergency, blackout in Russia’s Crimea after transmission towers in Ukraine blown up"

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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Paris Attacks: Another False Flag? Sifting through the Evidence

"What do the globalists do when they want to create, reignite and keep their war on terror fought indefinitely? They simply carry out a series of false flag attacks using Muslim terrorist stooges as their hired guns to do their damage. That’s what 9/11 was all about in the US, 7/7 in UK, the 3/11 train attack in Spain, the Hebdo Paris attack last January, and now this latest Paris encore reenactment part two.

In any unsolved crime the first question asked is who benefits by motive with an actual means to execute the crime?

In all of these tragic false flag events the global elite benefits in multiple ways. And it most definitely has the means by issuing marching orders to its owned and operated national governments, its favorite being the militaristic, brutal American Empire.

The elite’s agenda to polarize and destabilize the world politically and militarily manifests through the US foreign policy of regime change, nonstop war through divide and conquer methodology (i.e., Shiites vs. Sunnis, Euro-nationals vs. foreign migrants, Christians vs. Muslims, light skins vs. dark skins) and economic austerity through unpayable high interest from predatory IMF bank loans to debtor nations from both the developing and developed world.  Through global theft and destruction, the ruling elite reigns supreme in absolute power.

For decades after World War II US-NATO-Western European allies conspired and perpetrated state sponsored terrorism murdering their own citizens through a protracted series of Gladio operations originally designed to falsely accuse Communist groups in Italy. Spanning over thirty years with violent incidents throughout Europe and Turkey, Gladio-like false flag operations never stopped. Gladio at home took the form of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Operation Northwoods that JFK abruptly halted, partially resulting in his own self-undoing, killing the diabolical military plot of murdering innocent US citizens in Miami and Washington DC in order to blame and start a war against Cuba. The US especially but numerous governments have regularly engaged in false flag operations killing their own to trigger wars, shape public opinion, conceal and divert attention away from citizens ever catching on to the dirty lowdown truth.

The Friday the 13th Paris massacres were highly organized, committed by heavily armed, closely monitored terrorist professionals unleashed onto an unsuspecting, culturally diverse group of young Paris victims. The coordinated attacks seem to carry all the earmarks as state of the art false flag terrorism having had lots of previous practice, most notably the Paris Charlie Hebdo edition. But the growing anomalies stacking up once again turn out to be no different from its predecessors....."

"A couple of other striking parallels with 9/11, when the BBC reporter announced that Building 7 went down 20 minutes prior to the event, the Paris attack was described on twitter dated a full two days in advance of the November 13th killings. Also Wikipedia within two hours from the very onset of the attacks already had posted a fully detailed account complete with footnotes specifying “Syria” being mentioned by a witness, “5 or 6 terrorists”, and “3 suicide bombers” all from the get-go pointing to the big bad Muslim villains yet again. The clinching evidence was Wikipedia running an early story version at 23:06 specifying:

     In a televised statement at approximately 23:58 (local time), French President François Hollande declared

     a state of emergency and closing of borders for the whole of France.

For that announcement on Wikipedia to be made nearly an hour prior to Hollande’s actual statement could suggest that Wikipedia was in fact being used by the French authorities as an information disseminator of a preplanned event, right away establishing an official narrative from the outset that Arab terrorists from Syria were the guilty murderers behind the attacks far in advance of the start of even a preliminary investigation...."

42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks - Governments from Around the World Admit They Do It

"There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes.

In the following 42 instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admits to it, either orally or in writing:

            (1) Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the “Mukden Incident” or the “Manchurian Incident”. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: “Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the ‘Incident’ was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army ….” And see this.

            (2) A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland....."

"So Common … There’s a Name for It

The use of the bully’s trick is so common that it was given a name hundreds of years ago.

“False flag terrorism” is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as Wikipedia defines it:

    False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension....."

"leaders Throughout History Have Acknowledged False Flags

Leaders throughout history have acknowledged the danger of false flags:

    “A history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people! “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.”
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    “Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”.
    – Adolph Hitler

    “Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
    – Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

    “The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
    – Josef Stalin"
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Jared Fogle pleads guilty, blames diet for his sex crimes and the psychiatrist said his diagnosis is “mild pedophilia.”

It is or it isn't. Mild? Excuses for pedophilia are coming.... they are trying to normalize pedophilia as something to be accepted.

Jared Fogle pleads guilty, blames diet for his sex crimes

"The Subway diet made him do it.

That’s the excuse a defense psychiatrist has trotted out to explain former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle’s sex crimes.

“Once he lost weight, it seemed as though in a short time he had hyper-sexuality,” forensic psychiatrist John Bradford testified for the defense at Fogle’s sentencing Thursday morning in Indianapolis. “There are brain disorders that can be associated with sexual drive.”

Bradford, of the University of Ottawa, testified shortly after Fogle pleaded guilty to child-porn charges.

Fogle — who famously dropped 245 pounds on a diet of turkey and veggie subs — will be sentenced later Thursday.

The psychiatrist said Fogle had “mild or infrequent fantasies about pre-pubertal children,” but the psychiatrist said his diagnosis is “mild pedophilia,” the Indianapolis Star reported.

“There’s no evidence I know that he molested a child,” Bradford said by phone.

Asked about Fogle’s sex with 16- and 17-year-old minors, Bradford said, “16- or 17-year-olds are not pre-pubertal children,” the paper reported. “He didn’t have those types of cognitive distortions that you would see in those individuals.”

Bradford said he was concerned about Fogle’s eating disorder from childhood to college.

Bradford said Fogle had fantasies of young girls, age 12 or 13, but his main interest was older minors.

“Looking at all of this, I believe he did suffer from pedophilia, except it didn’t involve acting out with a child. He denies he ever touched a child.”....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Video: France Responds To Paris Attacks By Rushing Through Internet Censorship Law

"has pushed through some kneejerk legislation that includes a plan to censor the internet. Specifically the Minister of the Interior will be given the power to block any website that is deemed to be "promoting terrorism or inciting terrorist acts." Of course, this seems ridiculous on many levels.
Regarding administrative police searches, their extension to electronic and data processing devices is not limited to the copying of the data found on the devices but also allows the seizure of all data, documents, etc. "accessible from the initial system or available for the initial system". Outside any significant legal oversight, it is thus "open bar" to look for, on a broad scope, any type of information on any type of electronic device of any French resident and especially any information available via usernames, passwords collected during a police search, any content stored online, etc."


France Responds To Paris Attacks By Rushing Through Internet Censorship Law

"from the always-good-to-legislating-while-freaking-out,-huh? dept

The attacks in Paris were a horrible and tragic event -- and you can understand why people are angry and scared about it. But, as always, when politicians are angry and scared following a high-profile tragedy, they tend to legislate in dangerous ways. It appears that France is no exception. It has pushed through some kneejerk legislation that includes a plan to censor the internet. Specifically the Minister of the Interior will be given the power to block any website that is deemed to be "promoting terrorism or inciting terrorist acts." Of course, this seems ridiculous on many levels.

First, there are the basic concerns about free speech. Yes, I know this is France and it doesn't value free speech in the same way as the US, but it's still rather distressing just how quickly and easily the French government seems willing to adopt censorship measures. Second, what good does this actually do? If ISIS sympathizers are expressing their views publicly, doesn't that make it easier to track them and to find out what they're doing and saying? Isn't that what law enforcement should want? Focusing on censorship rather than tracking simply drives those conversations and efforts underground where they can still be used to influence people, but where it's much harder for government and law enforcement ot keep track of what's being said. It also only confirms to ISIS supporters that what they're saying must be so important and valuable if the government won't even let them say it. It's difficult to see how it does any good, and instead it opens up the possibility of widespread government censorship and the abuse of such a power."

A Police State to Avoid Any Critical Evaluation?

"Paris, 19 November 2015 — Today the French National Assembly1 adopted the bill on the state of emergency2. This text was adopted in great urgency in an unprecedented one-upmanship autoritarian atmosphere. La Quadrature du Net expresses its concerns about several measures found in the bill, especially regarding police searches of electronic devices, Internet censorship and freedom of association. Rather than enganging in any thorough consideration of the causes that led to the killings and of the way to solve this complex situation, the entire French political class betrays itself by responding to this unprecedented attack on our liberties with a broad restriction of our civil liberties.

Although the bill specifies and updates a number of provisions, especially by reintroducing the possibility of an actual legal redress, La Quadrature du Net is alarmed by the rushed legislative process, making impossible a thorough examination and debate. Changes brought to the text are not trivial, and deeply affect fundamental liberties. La Quadrature du Net calls on senators who will vote on the bill tomorrow to pass amendments which restrict the duration of the state of emergency, strengthen judicial oversight and strictly limit emergency measures, so that the state of emergency powers are never used for other purposes than those for which said state of emergency was initially declared.

Indeed, all the provisions adopted by MPs under pressure from the government are seriously infringing the foundations of public and individual liberties:

First of all, the state of emergency -- which effectively suspend the separation of powers -- is extended to three months (instead of the normal duration of 12 days), without any serious justification. Since the beginning of the state of emergency last Saturday, numerous police searches have been conducted for common law offences unrelated to the fight against terrorism and prefigure a police state. The three-month duration of the state of emergency can be renewed with a simple vote of Parliament....."
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
You've heard of Social Justice Warriors, now we have Climate Justice Warriors:

Video: Climate justice warriors leaching off a dying planet for quick bucks

Women Speak for Climate Justice in Lead Up to COP21

"In less than two weeks, world governments will gather for COP21 climate negotiations in Paris, where they will work to finalize a climate agreement with critical implications for the trajectory of international action on climate change, and our collective health and future. For many months proceeding negotiations, women from around the world have been strategizing, meeting and mobilizing to bring their voices for climate justice, women’s rights and systemic change to the forefront at this pivotal moment.

Across the globe and in many diverse manifestations, women are standing up to demand an end to grievous and deeply interconnected violence against the Earth and against women—and to demonstrate the importance of women’s leadership at all levels and stages of decision making and action on climate change.

In September, women from more than 50 countries joined the Global Women’s Climate Justice Day of Action to give voice to the climate impacts in their region, their women-led solutions and their calls to action from world governments.

In New York City, women convened across the street from the United Nations General Assembly at an event hosted by the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network in order to shed light on the disproportionate climate impacts faced by women, and the critical ways in which they are rising above to lead solutions-building for a just and sustainable world.

Watch this video to hear powerful messages from women leaders standing in defense of the Earth and our communities in the lead up to COP21 and beyond:..."

Remember, since it's in Paris, no one is allowed to protest the climate warming crap (COP21).
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Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Sickening! When You See What Just Happened in Utah You’ll Be Sick to Your Stomach!

"By Lisa Haven

In the town of Salem, Utah, parents are outraged at the latest assignment being given to the their ninth graders at Salem Junior High School, where they were asked to draw a propaganda post(er) for a terrorist organization.

Obviously the parents were outraged and the assignment was canceled, but it wasn’t until after some of the students has already completed the project. Furthermore, the parents were concerned that their children may have been scarred in the process and question if this was done in light of what happened in Paris, France.

While Christmas, Christianity, patriotism, and the American flag are being stripped from our schools, they are replacing it with the radical theologies such as Islam.

Here is the breaking report…. "

Video: Outrage—Utah School Forces Students to Create “Join ISIS” Poster! Radicalization Has Begun

Utah school homework assignment to make propaganda poster for jihadi groups: “JOIN ISIS!”

"This is what public school has come to — training our children to be caliph cubs — just like ISIS.
Homeschool your kids — rational parents should be abandoning public schools and Common Core in droves. Why enslave yourselves and your children to the left-fascists?

    “Utah school apologizes for homework assignment to make propaganda poster for terrorist group,” FOX 13, November 20, 2015

    SALEM, Utah — Students in ninth grade at Salem Junior High School were given a homework assignment where they were told to draw a propaganda poster for a terrorist organization.

    After parents complained, the assignment was canceled. However, many students had already completed it, leaving some parents concerned about what they had been exposed to in the process.

    Annie Langston couldn’t believe her 14-year-old daughter Mikalia was given the assignment. Nebo terrorism assignment poster 1

    “My initial response was, ‘there’s no way you’re going to do this assignment,'” Langston said.

    To complete her assignment, 9th grade Mikalia ended up on the Internet, where she typed in, ‘how to recruit for ISIS’ into Google. Her mother thinks it’s an inappropriate topic for her teenager to explore while the world remains on high alert after recent threats from the deadly terrorist organization. She decided to write a letter to the teacher and the principal, asking for an explanation.

    Langston said: “In light of what happened in Paris, is that the reason for this assignment? I feel a different assignment or report could’ve been chosen or a discussion in class about the tragic events.”

    Langston received a response from the teacher soon after, apologizing for the misunderstanding and informing her the assignment had been canceled. She also received a phone call from the principal. Nebo terrorism assignment poster 2

    “They’ve sat down with this particular teacher, and it has been taken care of,” Langston said. “The assignments that have already been turned in, they have been shredded.”

    Mikhail never turned in her poster, and she brought it home to show her mother.

    “When I found out she kept it, I told her rip it up,” Langston said.

    The assignment was given by a first year teacher, but Annie Langston doesn’t want to see anything bad happen to her. She believes it was an honest mistake and in every other respect, this is a good teacher for her daughter.

    Nebo School District Communications and Community Specialist Lana H. Hiskey sent Fox 13 this statement Friday:

    “Salem Junior High recently learned from concerned parents of an assignment regarding extremists use of propaganda to spread untruths and misunderstandings. Upon learning of this assignment, the administration reviewed the concerns with parents and teachers. After consultation, the assignment was immediately withdrawn. If parents have any concerns, please call the administration at Salem Junior High.”"

From last year, High School: Islamic vocabulary lesson part of Common Core standards

"Parents in Farmville, North Carolina want to know why their children were given a Common Core vocabulary assignment in an English class that promoted the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith.

“It really caught me off guard,” a Farmville Central High School student who was in the class told me. “If we are not allowed to talk about any other religions in school – how is this appropriate?”

The Islamic vocabulary worksheet was assigned to seniors.

“I was reading it and it caught me off guard,” the student told me. “I just looked at it and knew something was not right – so I emailed the pages to my mom.”


“In the following exercises, you will have the opportunity to expand your vocabulary by reading about Muhammad and the Islamic word,” the worksheet read.

The lesson used words like astute, conducive, erratic, mosque, pastoral, and zenith in sentences about the Islamic faith...."

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