I'd be careful trying a traditional TCP/IP ssh shell to it... knowing what "SYS" means in router nonemclature, it could be a cisco-style rollover port. This is basically full serial port, voltages and all routed over ethernet (lookup a "cisco rollover cable"). If that's what it is, it will kill the ethernet of whatever you hook it up to!
EDIT: Oh, you don't mean that second port I've seen in the pictures? Do you mean a standard TCP/IP port? If so ignore.
Yeah, I meant the system port 7478 from the settings page here:
I ran a port scan against the controller and nmap doesn't tell much except this:
1 service unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprint at http://www.insecure.org/cgi-bin/servicefp-submit.cgi :
MAC Address: 00:1E:C0:CD:1D:35 (Microchip Technology)
Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port
Device type: specialized|WAP|phone
Running: iPXE 1.X, Linksys Linux 2.4.X, Sony Ericsson embedded
OS CPE: cpe:/o:ipxe:ipxe:1.0.0%2b cpe:/o:linksys:linux_kernel:2.4 cpe:/h:sonyericsson:u8i_vivaz
OS details: iPXE 1.0.0+, Tomato 1.28 (Linux 2.4.20), Sony Ericsson U8i Vivaz mobile phone
So far I haven't had any luck with that port. I'll have a go at it some more when I get the time.
I'm assuming the other physical port on the controller is a serial port. I think I recognize it from some of my network equipment. I have some serial cables from a Procurve switch that will fit. Later this week I will try it and fire up Hyperterm.
Anyone know what the last 3 parameters on the settings page are for?
WakeUp period
I'm having a hard time finding any documentation for this box. If anyone has any I'll appreciate it. It doesn't look like many are running it.
Regards and thanks