Przepraszam , przewijałem i mi przed oczami mignęło, bez sprawdzania
errata co do TVP info no są po tej stronie barykady która jest obecnie u władzy obecnie są ci którzy utrzymują w "oku dharmy" obraz inkarnacji boga który wg słów ofiarował siebie za wielu o ile czegoś nie przekręciłem albo żle doczytałem tj tak jak jezus był inkarnacją boga tak i kryszna wraz jego wożnicą byli ( otóż w Bhavadgicie świętej księdze Hinduizmu Arujna sprzeciwia się wojnie jednak jest utwierdzony w słuszności ( z quory ... )
This fight had to be done as to establish Dharm Shetra ( Divine State ) .
These peoples are greatest hindrance for it. They trick pandavs, They tempted them in all unlawful way. They were spreading corruption on earth. They were exile to forests for more than a decade and lived a harsh life in forests. They insulted wife of Pandavs - Draupadi and they tried to take away her clothes in front of everyone. These guys supported evil and are enemies of truth and God. They were Adharmi - wrongdoers.)
Tak w akcie z Jezusem w roli głównej (spekulacja) w celach szczerego sprzeciwu przed przeznaczeniem i nie uniknonym upadkiem cywilizacji "Potopem" , Mass Extinction Event, fundamenty powstają , Cwani Spekulanci przepędzani z świątyni jako autorzy zagłady
( ) ( According to the Tantra, the Ultimate Reality is Chit, or Consciousness, which is identical with Sat, or Being,
and with Ānanda, or Bliss. This Ultimate Reality, Satchidānanda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, is
identical with the Reality preached in the Vedas. And man is identical with this Reality; but under the influence
of Māyā, or illusion, he has forgotten his true nature. He takes to be real a merely apparent world of subject
and object, and this error is the cause of his bondage and suffering. The goal of spiritual discipline is the
rediscovery of his true identity with the divine Reality.
For the achievement of this goal the Vedānta prescribes an austere negative method of discrimination and
renunciation, which can be followed by only a few individuals endowed with sharp intelligence and unshakeable
will-power. But Tantra takes into consideration the natural weakness of human beings, their lower appetites,
and their love for the concrete. It combines philosophy with rituals, meditation with ceremonies, renunciation
with enjoyment. The underlying purpose is gradually to train the aspirant to meditate on his identity with the