4. It has a novel block chain debasement (emission) schedule based on an algorithm that relates to difficulty change. I need to study this before commenting.
This is Infinium-8, not Boolberry.
Thus this changes my opinion about the need to make a big deal with the Boolberry developer. I thought all the innovations had come from him.
P.S. I edited my prior post.
BBR Block reward is directly like this:
base_reward=(EMISSION_SUPPLY - already_generated_coins) >> EMISSION_CURVE_CHARACTER;
if(block_cumulative_size <= median)
reward = base_reward;
reward = (base_reward*(block_cumulative_size * (2 * median - block_cumulative_size)))/(median2)
base_reward is base block reward according to current emission state
block_cumulative_size size of block's coinbase plus size of all transactions included in block
median - is median of cumulative sizes of last 400 blocks
If block cumulative size more than two medians - block is considered as wrong. This approach is used to make self-regulated fair model of transaction size/fee ration.
The diff recently adjusted to 128bit to avoid cumulative diff overflow
I personally think the emission curve characteristics of BBR is superior to XMR very clearly
but anyone who want to get big stash of XMR early on I'm sure would not agree
Anyhow XMR group does not have to make a deal with BBR devs, when they can hard fork if necessary and still retain leading position (the inverse is not true since BBR relegated to 2nd place, 2nd rate coin testing ground) . It's clear as evidenced by the ridiculous relative disparity in market cap and the fact bulk of this thread speaks only about XMR despite it supposedly being a discussion thread catering to any and all interesting developments across the whole cryptocurrency ecosystem-- XMR is orchestrated pump (doesn't necessarily mean a dump is precipitated though)
It does not matter that BBR is the fundamentally stronger coin, the market formers have already picked and pushed XMR as not only the superior CN coin but in fact the only one, now the market followers are doing what they do best.
and from there the snowball starts rolling