Imagine the efficiency of tax collecting through a database of currency you control. It's the government's ultimate weapon.
I advise rpietila to moderate post about this. This such a boring old subject that has been discussed all over Bitcointalk "What if government blabla"
Truth is government will not succeed because no one will support it this is the whole idea behind Bitcoin, that Bitcoin is unstoppable, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a complete tin foil hat that can go back to the conspiracy forum.
Can we go back to technical discussions about altcoins and not some conspiracy nut job theories from AnonyMint.
I'm not the type that people would consider a 'nut job' I don't think and I don't agree with many of AnonyMint's theories on what's going to happen with the world, but do people really think that in 20-50 years the world will still be passing around pieces of paper? It's not even a question of if, it's a question of when.
What sort of government wouldn't love to eliminate cash and control their currency through a centralised database? They have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
To dismiss this as some kind of crackpot theory seems very odd to me.