It will turn out that PoW is absolutely essential. Everyone will go "a ha" and that will be the end of the debate.
(I might be a bit too optimistic...we'll see...)
This is not optimistic, this is
very pessimistic.
PoW requires unbounded use of resources, which can and will scale up very much...
We might end up realising PoW is the one and only "way to do that" (though I hope not), but that would be a very grim discovery.
PoS is environmentally safe...
I hope all of you who believe this Malthusian delusion are willing to read irrefutable logic (and there are a lot of you who have been mind programmed by Rockefeller's funding of the environmentalism propaganda such as his creation of the 1978 UN Conference on Human Environment in Brazil).
Without 'wasting' (ahem consuming) energy to produce outputs of higher value, we would all still be living without fire shivering in caves.
For example, you could analogously claim that consuming too much airconditioning (turning the thermostat down too low) is wasteful, yet fact is that the colder it is (down to a reasonable threshold), the more mentally focused productive humans can typically be.
And before 2015, you will have the opportunity to learn that there is something of incredibly high value that we can do with PoW that we can't do with PoS. But I expect most of you won't even realize the observed outcome is because of PoW, even if I told you (well I already told you upthread but I assume most can't decipher what I wrote upthread) you wouldn't grasp it and you'd just attribute it to 'jibberish'.
I'm not only talking about the energy used, but also about the old miners produced and thrown away.
That can be fixed.