jl777's darkpaper may be concealing a wonderful innovation in privacy. I haven't read it well enough to discard it out of hand. But it if it is in there, it is well hidden. I am not the dimmest bulb in the pack, but my cursory reading didn't identify anything useful. It's always possible that garden-path phenomena cause me to mis-classify innovations which don't conform to conventional models, but usually the lack of a rigorous framework spells disaster for crypto. There's a lot of crack-pot and snake-oil crypto which has floated out to sea, and differentiating yourself from it to the expert community requires communicating to them in a language they understand, and can reason about clearly.
...even I can spot a big development in the crypto space when I see one. Teleporting coins using the BTCD network and making them 'dark' is a MAJOR breakthrough. I'm really hoping ... brainiacs try and pull apart jl777's teleporting concept... a lot of things will change in the crypto world, and fast. All coins can truly be anonymous ... that's BIG news!
I'm very keen to digest the peer review on teleporting!
"kennyP" looks like a sock puppet. Stylometrics read "jl777". James, you may believe strongly in your ideas, but if you are resorting to deceptions to promote them, you're undermining yourself. This is a suspicion, not an accusation. It is a suspicion based primarily on typical forum activity, not on your specific character or behaviour.
The Altcoin Observer thread is considerably above most altcoin threads, in its median talent, but very few of the participants are skilled in information theory or cryptography. Skills are not cheap to command. If you want someone to donate their valuable time to you, try to condense the case that your material has substance to it into a compact form. You might do better to approach community members who have demonstrated specifically technical skills and a willingness and ability to contribute critical analysis of crypto protocols to anonymity projects.
I was beginning to wonder if my post was somehow invisible
99% of all altcoin development is scamming. It takes strong evidence to overcome those priors. The characteristics of BTCD are typical of scams. You can expect that it will be difficult to overcome this situation. Paying more attention to scams just feeds the scammers, so until you differentiate yourself from scams, expect to be deprived of attention.
...with all the things I put into the Teleport system, just teleporting BTC should be quite private.
Putting in lots of things is not generally a sound approach in cryptography. The attack surface becomes quite large.
You clearly dont know me very well to suspect that I would use a sockpuppet. For you to apply generalized forum behavior to me indicates lack of time to research what I have done and how I have done it, so I wont take offense. I waited patiently for there to be any comment on my initial post. kennyP just happed to be the first one to post anything.
Now I did not invent any new crypto algo, I made a system that provides a LOT more privacy than any other system that I know of. I am asking for help, I am not trying to sell anything. I do not know how to make a fancy whitepaper, that is why it is called darkpaper and has pirates. I am a simple C programmer. I try to use common sense. If I did not invent a new crypto algo and instead came up with a system, then please educate me on how to apply rigorous methodology to this. I have tried to come up with a mathematical model, but other than the anon set being the N clonings during the clonesmear period for the receiver and N*T clonings where T is the time elapsed since cloning for the sender, I am not smart enough to make such a model. Without a mathematical model I dont think it is possible to apply rigorous analysis. I am working with an ivy league math professor to create such a model, it is clearly beyond me to make a math equation(s) for the system I made.
When you have a specific issue about teleport that I can actually address, then I will respond. But for you to be just using generalities is a bit disappointing. Your statements look like FUD. This is a suspicion, not an accusation. It is a suspicion based primarily on typical forum activity, not on your specific character or behaviour.
You are saying that having a single "thing" is the best approach in crypto because it has the smallest surface. Do you have any proof about this that it is always the case? Is there any chance at all that in some cases having two "things" is not better? If not, I need to go tell everybody to immediately disable all 2FA as it has twice the attack surface and is not the best approach to securing their accounts.
You see? The danger with generalities is that they are always counterexamples that disprove it. [I know, that was a generality too] So, one he one hand you dont like what I have done because I have no rigorous proof, but you use generalities as the main reason.
Again, please take no offense at my words, I am just responding to you based on typical forum behavior